March 13, 2025

If you have something on your mind and want to make a change, email [email protected]

Welcome to a new year at College of Eastern Utah, home to an outstanding student body. We have already had some wonderful activities and there are many more memories to be made. The student government especially takes notice of your welfare to make possible a fun, and productive year in your college life.
I am Asa Shreve, serving as the student advocate. Some of my duties include, but are not limited to being a liaison between students and faculty and trying to make sure that the student’s needs and desires are voiced and met. I am here to work for you to better our school; to make it your home away from home, a safe place that any student from any background can come and feel welcomed and important. If you have any concerns, comments, questions or even complaints, please feel free to e-mail me at the Voice It address (see banner)
Being part of the academic council, I am able to add the student’s input to influence the nature of our goals. This year’s main focus for the academic council is “improving the aesthetics and safety of the campus”. We want to improve the overall look of our college by working on several areas including: marking buildings with visible signs, painting curbs and putting up signs to mark parking and other vehicular zones, and installing more lighting.
As far as safety, we gave out the “be aware” rape crisis cards at orientation and urge you to be informed and to step forward with any concern or questions you have about your rights as a student at CEU. I am preparing to form a judiciary committee to meet together in the event that if student has been involved in a legal dispute, we will help decide the nature of the disciplinary action taken.
It is great opportunity to grow and truly be involved with the affairs of the students. I also have the opportunity of participating in U.I.A. (Utah Intercollegiate Assembly) in which a group of students work on writing a bill to take to the state Capitol Building at the end of the year. Th ey meet with the U.I.A. Committees from all of the colleges in the state and have it out Parliamentary style and pass a bill that affect all of the colleges in the state. If you are interested in being part of any of these teams, please contact me as quickly as possible. These are some of the projects I have going on this year and am proud to serve the students.
Let’s work together to have it our way at CEU.
My contact information is
Asa Shreve
Student Advocate
[email protected], #613-5402