October 17, 2024

Sandra Sorenson: A quiet leader

One girl you can’t help but notice as you cross campus or enter the BDAC stands 6 feet tall, has blonde hair and a permanent smile.
Sandra Sorenson is one of the tallest girls on the CEU volleyball team and at the mention of her name, teammates all seemed to say the same thing. “Sandra, I love Sandra,” they commented.
Brooke Wilson noted, “She’s one of my favorite people, she is so radiant, constantly happy, and can always make me laugh.”


This archived article was written by: Jennifer Jarrett

One girl you can’t help but notice as you cross campus or enter the BDAC stands 6 feet tall, has blonde hair and a permanent smile.
Sandra Sorenson is one of the tallest girls on the CEU volleyball team and at the mention of her name, teammates all seemed to say the same thing. “Sandra, I love Sandra,” they commented.
Brooke Wilson noted, “She’s one of my favorite people, she is so radiant, constantly happy, and can always make me laugh.”
Sorenson accepted a scholarship to CEU for volleyball after turning down USU (for high jump) and SLCC (for basketball). She was raised in Layton, UT with five other brothers and sisters.
She is the only athlete in her family and started playing volleyball when she was in the eighth grade. Never playing before and not even knowing ‘how’ to play, Sorenson tried out for the volleyball team, made it, and started her career.
Emilee Madsen pointed out, “The girl is just athletic. She is more athletic than anyone I’ve ever seen.”
Sorenson is CEU’s opposite right side hitter. Jordan Fox proclaimed, “Sandra is amazing! She blocks like a mad man and when she is on top of her game, no one can touch her.”
Madsen commented, “Sandra is like a quiet leader of our team. When she steps up the game, she steps everyone up. She brings a feeling onto the court that helps everyone remember why they play volleyball … because it’s fun.”
The most important thing Coach Martindale has taught Sorenson is how to hustle and never give up. “He is always reminding me to ‘know’ that I can get the ball up,” Sorenson pronounced.
“Sandra is an all around awesome blocker, good at defense and always works for the win,” Candace Gunnell mentioned. “She is always so much fun to be around and can always make you laugh. She brings a lot of unity to the team through her sense of humor and dedication to the game.”
“We laugh constantly over her,” Madsen grinned, “I just can’t think of any real funny story to tell. She is just a big hit.”
Fox remarked, “She always pops out with crazy funny stuff and really keeps us on our toes.”
Sorenson mentioned that her favorite part of playing at CEU are the friendships that she has made. She came down to Price not knowing anybody and has since made many new friends.
“All the girls are so much fun and have such fun, awesome personalities. We always have so much fun together whether we are at practice, in a game, on a road trip, or just hanging out,” Sorenson relayed.
The team recently returned from a tournament in California where they took 3rd overall with a 4-1record. Sorenson said the team was able to go shopping and hit the beach between games.
This season should be a remarkable one for our Lady Eagles. Sorenson decreed, “We can really look foreword to a wining season. We have an amazing team with lots of experience. There are more freshmen but Coach [Martindale] did a great job recruiting and we have a lot more experience and a lot more talent!”