October 17, 2024

Business manager hired for cafeteria

This archived article was written by: Carli Jensen

Students eating in the cafeteria will be seeing a new face walking around making sure that everything is running smoothly. The food service department has hired a new business manager, Nancy Sjostrom.
Sjostrom is a native of Price with a degree in business. She graduated from CEU then went to Utah State University where she received her business administration degree. She and her husband have been involved in a family business, and recently sold their shares of the business. While looking for a new job, she saw an ad on CEU’s web site for a business manager in food services.
By trying everything that is currently on the menu and going to food shows during the summer she plans on making improvements on what the students are eating. She hopes to “make the food taste more homemade.”
She didn’t know if the food service department made money. Being a new employee to CEU she didn’t know all of the history of the cafeteria. She also plans to have a suggestion box and run surveys to get student’s feedback on what they liked and disliked.
The cafeteria provides jobs for 41 students and five employees. They do everything from cooking to cleaning to running the cash register. They also cater local events such as weddings and business parties.
Sjostrom’s duties as the new manager are hiring students, making deposits, accounting work, accounts receivable and accounts payable. She also makes sure that the employees have their food handler’s permits and takes care of food cards. She also said that she plans to get her own food handler’s permit so that she can know exactly what the students know.
Her biggest goal is to get familiar with everything, and make sure everything is up to code. She plans to learn more about food and what is takes to make a lunchroom experience be more like eating at home.
Sjostrom has already researched the cafeteria prices from Southern Utah University and Utah State University and they showed that CEU has low prices when it comes to food. She also said that the prices at CEU couldn’t be any lower without losing the quality of the food.