October 17, 2024

The old Spears is back


This archived article was written by: Jeff Spears

Respect divides the world of high school drama and college success. We left behind a society that fosters childish tactics to embark on the road of maturity. However, some students are left behind in this transition. They try to accommodate their adolescent fun with the responsibilities of being in college. The two viewpoints can never coincide to provide for an ultimate college experience. We need to develop respect to become true adults. This ability not only pertains to our college peers, but also extends far into our future endeavors.
Recent events have been brought to my attention that displays a lack of respect and common courtesy for fellow students. Vandalism and judgmental mindsets have been responsible for a downward transition for the College of Eastern Utah in the last month. I have tried to steer away from this topic, but can no longer restrain my thoughts on this subject. I have seen some close friends affected unjustly and will not be silent on issues I feel must receive due attention. This is my role in the newspaper, my job as an opinion writer.
The vandalism of vehicles in recent weeks provokes my furious article. The vehicles of close friends were the main focus in this escapade. I can’t believe that our cars and trucks are not safe for even one weekend on campus. The content of the message left on the vehicle was not only offensive, but demonstrated a childish behavior. I feel ashamed to be part of a student body that has no respect for property.
The student now must pay for the damage and can only file a complaint with the college. I feel that there can be much more done with students coming forth to confess to their crime and paying for the vehicle. This is purely common sense. You break the law; you should take your responsibilities. The victim should not be the one to make up for a foolish act of immaturity. Instead, we need to be true college students.
These students should also have the option of leaving the College of Eastern Utah to move to an off-campus housing. They do not feel safe at the college dealing with their own property. Therefore, they should relocate to a form of living they deem fit. Their vehicles are damaged and will receive no compensation. I am a firm advocate of on-campus housing, but vandalism is a risk for financial loss.
Second, the hostile mindsets of students towards my opinions have been misdirected. Holding a personal vendetta against Erik Falor and me for our opinions is wrong. Voice your opinions and allow CEU to see differing viewpoints.
I feel that Falor and I stated our opinions about the True Eagle night. This article seemed to stir emotions among the college community. That’s good. That, like complaining about school issues, is my job. I don’t care if you agree or not, but the fact is that people are reading my opinions. You can comment to me your views and I will even take them into consideration. Heck, e-mail us your opinions and people can read them.
The True Eagle night was a complete bust. ASCEU sends one person to run the event and only three people show up. This is tradition? Give me a break. I feel that True Eagle must be taken more seriously to be viewed as an event. My opinion still stands as True Eagle being distasteful and disgusting. The students can provide an event, but the college involvement is my complaint. This is not promoting, providing or extending education in any aspect.
The students should realize the vitality of having responsibilities within the college to have a functioning atmosphere. The only thing I ask is to be considerate of others. We are not in high school anymore and should act like it. I can always be involved in an act of vandalism, but choose to be the better man and live peacefully with others.