Bread ‘n soup night brings in the crowds
The CEU Sun Center is hosting their annual “Bread ‘n’ Soup Nite” on five consecutive Monday evenings from 5-6:30 p.m. starting in October.
The idea came from Carrie Icard five years ago and ever since, the cafeteria has been serving all you can eat bread and soup to the community in the JLSC with proceeds going to the food bank.

This archived article was written by: Jennifer Jarrett
The CEU Sun Center is hosting their annual “Bread ‘n’ Soup Nite” on five consecutive Monday evenings from 5-6:30 p.m. starting in October.
The idea came from Carrie Icard five years ago and ever since, the cafeteria has been serving all you can eat bread and soup to the community in the JLSC with proceeds going to the food bank.
“All the proceeds are given to the Carbon County Food Bank,” SUN Center President Amy Callor said. This year has been really successful, in fact more successful than expected. “Usually the first couple weeks are a little slower but the first two weeks we actually ran out of soup. After the first week, we served 310 people before running out of soup so they made even more and we still had to turn people away the following week. That gives a rough idea of how many people attended. We have done it three weeks now, and each night has been very successful.”
Rebecca Park is attending CEU for the first time this year and is a member of the CEU SUN Center. She wasn’t quite sure what to expect out of the Bread ‘n Soup Nite but has been impressed. “It is a very structured activity and is a good situation for everyone involved. It has obviously gathered a lot of money for the food bank and that helps a lot of people and is a great cause.”
The SUN Center tries to not only provide great tasting food but great entertainment also. The first dinner of the year was entertained by the local charter school, Pinnacle Canyon Academy. “The kids were entertaining and were so much fun to watch. Everyone eating at their tables seemed to really be getting into the show. The kids not only sang, but would occasionally dance too,” Callor said.
The Institute Show Choir, led by Brother John Cardon performed Monday night. They sang and danced for a half hour presentation as the audience enjoyed each number. Callor mentioned, “For the upcoming weeks we have invited Dr. Benson’s ‘Five B’s,’ and the last night Ruth Ellen Wood and her group of string instruments. She has students from throughout the Carbon area that she has taught.”
“There have been a good amount of volunteers but I think that they can always use more, they don’t ever turn anyone away. The past couple weeks I have been serving, setting up, taking money, and in charge of the music one night … I helped with the charter school, that was a fun. I just enjoy helping them [SUN Center] and serving with them in anything they need,” Park said.
If anyone would like to volunteer, serve, eat, and have fun, they are welcome to come. The last Bread ‘n Soup Night will be November 24.