February 22, 2025

In commemoration of Veteran’s Day 2003

“For those who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, we are eternally grateful. Especially at this time in the life of our country, we take time to honor those who have gone before.

“For those who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, we are eternally grateful. Especially at this time in the life of our country, we take time to honor those who have gone before.
America was founded on the principles of liberty, opportunity, and justice for all, and on Veterans Day we recognize the men and women of our Armed Forces who have valiantly defended these values throughout our Nation’s history. These remarkable individuals have helped to make our Nation secure and to advance the cause of freedom worldwide. By answering the call of duty and risking their lives to protect their fellow countrymen, these patriots have inspired our Nation with their courage, compassion, and dedication.
Our proud veterans have also helped to shape the American character. They have given us an extraordinary legacy of patriotism and honor, and their service represents the highest form of citizenship.
On the observance of Veteran’s Day in 1954, President Dwight D, Eisenhower called on all citizens to not only remember “the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly … ” but also to rededicate themselves “to the task of promoting an enduring peace … ”
-George W. Bush, 2002

Almost 50 years later, as you celebrate Veterans’ Day November 11th, the College of Eastern Utah would like to recognize the contributions you have made for our country and thank you for your service. We are proud of our veterans. We currently have 25 veterans who are attending the college using their GI bill and seven more National Guard members who were called to active duty. We am sure there are more students, staff and faculty who have served in the Armed Services, so please take the time to thank them for their contributions to our country as well.
Jan L. Young,
Director Academic Records/Registrar,
Debbie Boone,
Veteran Certifying Official