February 22, 2025

Two issues: residence halls & cafeteria

This archived article was written by: Jeff Spears

There was hostile tension regarding my “True Eagle” article with some members in ASCEU leadership. This was a definite misconception of the entire article and my purpose for writing it. I wrote the article to attack the integrity of the event and criticize the school for endorsing such an event. I want to be the sensitive soul I am and extend an apology for my article not only to Jed Lloyd, but also to the entire ASCEU leadership. I decided not to make problems worse with other organizations of CEU, rather to try to tackle problems that are pertinent to the interests of the students. I hope ASCEU leadership would feel the same and aid the students in the fight against unjust recent actions of administration.
There have been some serious issues regarding my opinion and my own department: residential life. I believe that I am a student first and then an employee at the College of Eastern Utah. I have always been the first to speak my mind on campus issues and feel that someone has to take that role. I have never been afraid of being reprimanded, nor have I ever been nervous about losing my job. I am a student with the responsibilities of being an authoritative figure amongst my residents in the residential hall complex. The residents expect me to be their voice and I will continue to do as they request.
Now, with that being said, I am concerned with two issues within the dorms and the cafeteria. These problems stem from the complaints of not only myself, but also students. We have been idle too long and urge the students, ASCEU leadership and the residential advisers to take the opportunity to make a historical change at CEU. We must stand united and let the administration know the ramifications from the students and community. I promise that if we work together, we can make the difference for the students and the overall public satisfaction with CEU.
The most compelling complaint would be the student room shifting within the dorms, especially Sessions. This would cause residents without roommates to move to a room with a roommate. Even though they did not pay for the room, I feel that it is not the students’ fault for not having a roommate at the beginning of the year. I completely agree with the side of the students. They have been there the entire semester and made it their home. Each has its own individuality that they have adopted from their time by themselves. I feel that forcing them to uproot mid-semester and relocate would spell economic disaster for not only residential life, but the college as well.
I know I am not an economist major, nor do I know a lot about sales within the College of Eastern Utah, but I do understand that they would not save money. The only reason I understand that the switch would be beneficial, would be the saving on utility bills. This could not even be a significant figure within other dorms, like AJ. They would still have rooms with only three of four people due to the amount of people within AJ. They would still need to spend the operation costs of the entire dorm room. The heat would also need to be functioning within rooms that have no occupancy due to the heating system.
This, however could potentially backfire against residential life. I know that if I were forced to relocate to live with strangers and leave my friends behind, I would not be returning next year. I would simply move off campus. The simple fact is that by relocating students, will make them angry. This definitely does not make for good business, nor does it make the student feel like the customer. I would urge the administration to reconsider their policy and attempt to accommodate their clients, the students.
The second issue would be the food service. Again, I am no economics major, but it seems to me that we are being taken advantage of. I know that students are complaining about cost hikes for food and the decrease in quality. Over $6 is charged for Chips Ahoy®   cookies, and weekly taco night is getting really annoying. This, however, is simple economics. The prices have dramatically increased since last year due to the escapade of people buying “study food” because they had lots of money on their food card at the end of the year. The more we pay to eat, the less we can buy at the end of the semester. This means that the food service would get our money and not have to order more food to feed us throughout the remainder of the year. I would be careful the next time you eat a $4.50 Cordon Bleu or enjoy every 25-cent bite.
The food service is declining in quality of food and the cost is going up. We, as students, need to stand up and demand that the food be better, but also challenge the cleanliness of the organization. I don’t think they would pass an inspection or would be even allowed to stay open. They need to have some serious changes in order to suffice the needs of the students.
We need to be united and allow for such unhealthy trends to come to an end. I would go with any member of ASCEU leadership and personally petition that the changes I mentioned in this article be addressed. I challenge everyone to help this cause and we will eventually win. I am tired of complaining and being ignored because I am one student. Only through the utilization of the masses will we be heard and taken seriously. Come one, come all and indulge in the rights of the students.