An issue of equality
This archived article was written by: Jeff Spears and Erik Falor Perhaps it is because of geography that the College...
This archived article was written by: Jeff Spears and Erik Falor Perhaps it is because of geography that the College...
This archived article was written by: Austin Palmer Registering for college can be an exciting time, especially for someone who...
This archived article was written by: Jeff Spears The 2003-04 school year officially started at the College of Eastern Utah...
This archived article was written by: Erik Falor Just because a cat always lands on its feet does not mean...
This archived article was written by: Carli Jensen A seven-year member of the CEU Faculty, Dr. Cliff Coppersmith was appointed...
This archived article was written by: Josie Luke The College of Eastern Utah celebrates its 65th Anniversary on Saturday, Sept....
This archived article was written by: Gypsie Delgado President Ryan Thomas outlined his short- and longterm goals that he hopes...