January 22, 2025

Price native elected to head ASCEU


After weeks of campaigning, four students were named to represent ASCEU in its executive positions for the 2004-2005 academic year.
Daniel Wood, a native of Price, and the son of Richard and Ruth Ellen Wood, was elected by the students as student body president, replacing Jed Lloyd who served from 2003-2004. He recently returned from serving an LDS mission in Toronto, Canada.
Wood described his vision for next year stating, “By being more intimately involved in the community, we hope to continue our mutually beneficial relationship, working together for quality higher education, strengthening our ties and enjoying Carbon County.
“The potential of the college and the community is great, and as we continue working together we can and will make a difference.” He is joined by: Brett Combs, elected as academic vice president; Wendy Bjarnson, activities vice president; and Gypsie Delgado, Inter-Club-Council vice president.
Coombs is excited to be working with CEU next year. He was born in Colorado, but lived in Utah for almost 14 years. He returned from Budapest, Hungary, after serving an LDS mission in June. He is majoring in criminal justice and just trying to have a lots of fun. He added, “If there is anything I can do to make your school experience more enjoyable, just give me a shout.”
Bjarnson was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she grew up with her family in the valley. She attended Hillcrest High School and was a member of the National Honor Society, Vocal Ensemble and served on the Hillcrest Seminary Council. She loved the opportunities she had in participating in school activities and in her community.
For the past year and a half Bjarnson has been a student at CEU majoring in psychology. She plans to earn a master’s of librarian science degree. Bjarnson served on ASCEU as the special events chair from 2003-04.
Gypsie Marie Delgado was born in Guernsey, Wyo. She moved to Tooele, Utah when she was eight with her mother, Robyn Adams, sister and brother, Carmelita and Anthony Delgado. She attended Tooele High School where she was news editor and editor-in-chief of The Buffalog, participated in volleyball and softball, VICA (Vocational Industry Club of America), FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and peer-tutored the mentally challenged.
For the past year and a half, Delgado has been a student at CEU. She is majoring in mass communications and plans to be a journalist. Over the past year she has served as managing editor of The Eagle, ASCEU’s public relations chair and has managed to be a full-time student. She will continue her service on ASCEU as ICC (Inter-Club Council) vice president.
She is ready to take on whatever comes her way and is excited to be serving CEU for another great year.
ASCEU’s advisory council includes: Jillyn Schaugaard, executive secretary; T.J. Polster, recreation chair; Asa Shreve, Wildman chair: Audra Enloe, publicity chair; Janelle Bates, publicity assistant chair; Heidi Hunsaker, ICC publicity chair; Ashlee Rochelle, ICC recruitment chair; Heather Higham, student advocate chair; Carlie Golden, public relations chair; Marcasa Alhstrom, nontraditional chair; Lyle Alhstrom, residential life chair; Ven Yiup Lima Zhong, multi-cultural chair; Bryce Oakland, intramurals chair; Sarah Jorgensen, multi-cultural nontraditional activities chair; RiKelle Deaton, special events chair; and Kim White, entertainment chair.