January 22, 2025

Students’ favorites

Six CEU community members were voted as the students’ choice for their favorite faculty, staff, freshman male and female and sophomore male and female students.
Shelly Lemons, Ph.D., was named as the students’ favorite faculty member. A history and philosophy instructor, Lemons is vice president of the faculty senate, coordinator for the Fulbright Program and faculty coordinator for service learning. She said, “the service learning is my favorite activity outside of teaching because I get to help Christine Olsen with the Campus Café .”


Six CEU community members were voted as the students’ choice for their favorite faculty, staff, freshman male and female and sophomore male and female students.
Shelly Lemons, Ph.D., was named as the students’ favorite faculty member. A history and philosophy instructor, Lemons is vice president of the faculty senate, coordinator for the Fulbright Program and faculty coordinator for service learning. She said, “the service learning is my favorite activity outside of teaching because I get to help Christine Olsen with the Campus Café .”
Lemons likes working at CEU because of the students. She likes teaching in a venue where her classes are small enough to have discussions about everything from current events to pop culture. She thinks she was voted as their favorite because she takes time to listen to them and appreciate that they have busy lives.
Although her husband Brad would say she patterns her life after him, she admits that her role model is Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a 19th Century woman who fought for women’s rights – to vote, hold property, etc. – because she wanted to fix what she saw as injustices. Stanton led a pretty traditional life, but still made a mark as a “radical suffragette”. “I think that’s kind of like me. I want to change the world, but also live a pretty normal life,” she added.
On changes at CEU, she would love to see more communication. “I would love to see faculty, staff and students do more together. We are a campus that divides itself. That’s why I’m so interested in service learning. It’s a way to tie the local community and the college together in a way that benefits all of us. If we could just do a better job of talking to each other across the campus, I think the campus would be an even better place to be.”

Bill Osborn was named the students’ favorite staff member. Wearing many hats, Osborn is financial aid director, assistant dean of students, ASCEU advisor and student judicial officer.
He likes all of the programs at CEU, or as many as he has time to attend, like the plays, basketball and baseball games. His favorite aspect about working at CEU is helping students with their financial, social and personal problems.
He really does not know why the students voted him as their favorite this year. “I really did not bribe anybody,” he quipped. “Maybe they see me at the activities and just know who I am.”
Osborn does not really have a role model. He just admires people who follow what they say. His only desired change at CEU is the image, “because people do not know who we are.”

The outstanding sophomore female is Wendy Bjarnson, a psychology major, special events chair and onetime projects SUN Center leader. Bjarnson has also participated in intramurals, the poetry club, ASCEU publicity, AmeriCorps, SUN Center Hunger Issue, crazy canalers club, dodgevours club and LDSSA.
Her favorite aspect of CEU is getting involved and the opportunity to know so many people personally. “I hope that I have helped them fill their place at CEU.”
The qualities she admires most in people are patience and working with others effectively. What she wants to change on campus is its communications, including the phone system.

The outstanding sophomore male is Romer Ferrer, a criminal justice major. This past year, he has been nontraditional chair, America Reads chair in Serving Utah Network (SUN Center), and mentor for student support services. In addition, he is involved with ASCEU Leadership, law and order society, LDSSA, crazy canalers club, nontraditional support group, dogdevours club, judiciary member and softball club.
Ferrer’s favorite part about being a student at CEU is working with the faculty and staff. He thinks that students like him because he works really hard, is easy going and willing to help others.
His grandfather is his role model. “He was a hard worker and provided for his family. He loved everyone he came into contact with and did whatever people told him to do. He is friendly to others and I believe I got some of his characteristics.” Ferrer also thinks his wife and daughter are his role models. They both show genuine love to everyone.
The changes he would like to see are to let everyone realize that the students make the college, not the administrators. Students should always come first.
The outstanding female sophomore is Veva-Marie Whitear who plays basketball for CEU. She is majoring in English and minoring in communications. Her favorite aspect about attending CEU is that the people know who you are and they are nice, good people. She thinks she was selected because of significant friends that helped spread good words to vote for her.
She likes people who are true, honest and courageous, they do things to benefit others, instead of themselves.
What she would like changed at CEU is to see more faculty and staff involved in activities and see them at the basketball games.
The outstanding freshman male is BJ Harmon, an athletic trainer major who is also the photography editor of The Eagle. He likes to be active and participates in the soccer club and softball club.
He likes CEU because it is small and have many friends here. He likes being a friend to everyone. “I believe I am nice to everybody and they recognize me when I go to activities to take photos.”
His role model is his younger brother Jonas, just because he really does not care what other people think of him.
He can’t think of any changes needed at the college. “Everything is just looks fine to me, I would not change anything.”