October 22, 2024

ASCEU officers announced to fill fall semester’s vacated positions


This archived article was written by: Carlie Golden

ASCEU lost three of its officers after last semester: Janelle Bates, publicity, Haley Lybbert, ICC recruitment, and Lyle Ahlstrom, residential life. All will be missed and they did a great job, says representatives of ASCEU.
Several students applied for the open positions and ASCEU thanks those who put the time and effort into applying and interviewing. The executive board believed all the applicants did a great job in the interview and application process.
For those who did not make ASCEU, the 2005-2006 ASCEU positions need to be filled. There are four executive board positions open and the others will be appointed by the elected representatives. The officers ask that students not be shy and get out there to make a difference.
The new publicity chair for spring semester is Lisa Barnum, 18, from St. George, Utah. Barnum said, “I like to be involved, especially on such a small campus and want to have a better connection with the students.”
Barnum has many new ideas on how we can get the word out about activities. Some of them include calendars and making the activities more diverse so more people would feel welcome. When interviewed, she simply said, “I love CEU.”
The new ICC recruitment chair is Pat Thayn. Thayn, 22 , is from Wellington, Utah. He decided to join ASCEU because, “I like to have fun and be involved.”
Thayn chose ICC recruitment to help clubs become more involved and to encourage more students to join clubs. Thayn said, “I am really excited to start working and have some fun.”
The new residential life chair is Sydney Broadhead, 18, from Sandy, Utah. She wanted to be on ASCEU because, “I want to be more involved and know what is going on.”
Broadhead choose residential life because, “I want milk to always be available in the cafeteria, and want to improve campus life for students and really make their voices heard.” She continued, “I am excited and think it will be awesome to be a part of student government and hope the students will be able to look forward to new and exciting things.”
ASCEU is excited to welcome the three newest members. Remember, ASCEU is here for you, so do not forget to let them know what you want changed and the activities you would like to see happen on campus.