February 23, 2025

Go Red for Women Day saves lives

This archived article was written by: Shaun Webster

As many people on campus probably don’t know, Friday, February 4 is National “Go Red for Women Day.” What is “Go Red for Women Day?” The nationally observed holiday is the American Heart Association’s call for women to take charge of their cardiac health and live stronger, healthier lives. Red is the Associations color for both women and heart disease, hence the name. The day is designed to make women aware of the growing risk of the many cardiovascular diseases and other heart-related problems that affect thousands of women annually. “Go Red for Women Day” can also help women learn unique lifesaving habits and techniques that can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. Awareness and prevention are the first positive steps that can be taken for living a longer, healthier life.
Most people are quite shocked when they learn of how many women are actually affected by the many different cardiovascular diseases. Shockingly, heart disease and stroke are the number one and three killers among women. These are also two of the many cardiovascular diseases that kill nearly 500,000 women each year. That is more than the next seven causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. Yes, you read it right; cardiovascular diseases kill more women each year than cancer. It is a very shocking statistic, but it’s true. That’s why women everywhere need to be aware of the ever growing risk and do their part in knowing the signs and symptoms and preventing it from happening to them.
Education on the subject can also raise awareness and prevent heart disease from occurring. Most women do not even show any symptoms of the disease until it’s too late. Actually, 63 percent of women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease had no previous symptoms. Even though there won’t always be warning signs, it’s still important to know that women may have different signs than men. Here’s a short list of warning signs/symptoms for heart attack or stroke. Chest pains, shortness of breath, discomfort in the arms, numbness in the face, trouble speaking, trouble seeing out of one or both eyes, aching teeth, neck pain, etc. If you or someone you know suddenly experiences some of these symptoms, you should go see a doctor immediately. Also, if your family has a history of heart disease, it would probably be a good idea to have an annual checkup for blood pressure and cholesterol screening.
What can you do to show support? When the day rolls around, wear something red. Wear a red dress, shirt, hat, or any other article of clothing to show support for all women who have been afflicted by heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are a growing concern among women everywhere. So become educated on the subject and prevent it from happening to you or a loved one. Be sure to show your support and wear something red on February 4th.
Please look for upcoming events for “Go Red for Women’s Day” in the February 3 edition of The Eagle.