February 17, 2025

CEU, ATC host Southeast Utah District Automotive Contest

The Southeastern Utah District Automotive Contest was co-hosted between the Southeast Utah College of Applied Technology and the College of Eastern Utah last weekend.
Students started the competition with a written test, administered by UCAT’s Mike Kava. It included all eight of the national certification stations.
They spent a day on the SEUCAP campus where skills were tested in steering, suspension and alignment; heating and air conditioning systems; manual transmission /drive-train repair; and brake systems.
The next day, CEU hosted the students under the direction of Stan Martineau. They were tested in six additional areas including engine repair, automatic transmission, engine performance, electrical diagnostic, advanced engine performance/electronic diagnosis plus information systems. The students were required to research service bulletins, find vehicle data, repair procedures, specifications and repair time.
CEU students placing included Bryan Nelson, first; Keith Mortensen, second; and Marshall Rollins, third.
High school students placing included Devin Shorts, CEU/Carbon High School; Ryan Dennis, UCAT/Emery High School; and Blake Heinter, CEU/Carbon High School.
Shane Chee from Monument Valley has the highest scores from San Juan School District.
The next contest will be 31 March and 1 April at Salt Lake Community College.