February 23, 2025

Stu’s last will and testament as op/ed editor

This archived article was written by: Stuart Lake

It has come time for me to leave the College of Eastern Utah, and I leave with mixed feelings. There are a lot of things that I have found good about this school, and there are a lot of things that I have not liked at all. For most of my writing career at The Eagle I have focused on the bad, so I will try to talk about the good first, and then tell you the things that I think the future students of CEU need to see changed.
The most wonderful thing that I found here was my beautiful wife. She is an inspiration to me and puts up with me, so I can ask for nothing more. I have found the love of my life here, and that is great
I have also made some lifelong friendships at CEU. Those people know who they are, and because I know them, I know they do not want to be put down in print. I have had some crazy nights here in my younger days, and I would not trade that for anything.
I have also had some great professors here, to name a few: Susan Polster, Tracy Johnson, Ron Vogel, Steve Burge and Stephanie Dmitrich. I learned a lot from these professors. I felt that they taught me a lot of things, and I am not just mentioning their names to get a better grade, but if they did feel so inclined, I would not say anything about it.
I think that Dan Wood, and all the ASCEU members this year did an excellent job with student’s fees. I respect them all so much and they did a lot of fun activities. They even gained control of the CEU game room in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center so that it can be like a real game room and have fun stuff in it that everyone wants to use.
Now to switch to the bad, parking is worse on this campus than when I came here a few years ago. It should be the first thought on the minds of our administration because it is a joke that the students have few good places to park. It may not seem like a big deal, but for everyone that lives off campus it is a joke.
The quality of food at CEU also needs to see a change. I do not care what they have to do or what the price of the crap they serve now is, but something has to be done to improve the quality of food for all those who are required to buy meal plans.
There are some professors at CEU who should not be teaching, who do not know their subject matter, or do not know how to teach it to students. I have had a lot of classes that were a joke with worthless projects and teachers who were only there half the time and continually let classes out early. I don’t know if teacher evaluations do anything, but I have not seen any changes if they do, and trust me, I made sure to make my opinions known in the ones I fill out.
There are many more issues that I could write about, but I will leave it at that for now. The one thing that I hope continues at CEU is that the students are not afraid to step up and tell the administration when they think something sucks. If we do not speak up then nothing is going to change. They may ignore us as they have ignored most of my gripes and articles this year. You may not see the changes while you are at CEU, but at least you are letting people know that you think something is wrong, and there is a slim chance that something will change.