February 1, 2025

Top eight activities to do in Price during fall semester


This archived article was written by: Angela Oliver

I moved to Price, Utah, just over three weeks ago, and this past weekend was my first time going home to Salt Lake. If anyone else is like me, they do not have the money, desire, car or time to go home every weekend. So the question that has been going through my mind lately is, what is there to do in Price on weekends? What is there to do in Price at all?
The population in Carbon County is reaching towards 20,000 people. The population in this county is approximately one-eleventh the size of Salt Lake City alone. So you can see my problem. I am definitely a city girl and there is a lot to do in Salt Lake. Unfortunately there is not as much to do in Price, so I have gone on a quest for the top eight things to do in this area. Hopefully my list can help you, or at least give you a good laugh.
The No.1 activity in Price Utah: MFM. Most are probably wondering, “what in the world is MFM?” MFM is midnight frisbee mayhem. MFM consists of playing frisbee at midnight, and basically just being a ninja/zombie/power ranger. I tend to take the role of ninja most often, while Beau Wuthrich takes zombie, and Aden Ragsdale settles for being a power ranger. It is definitely an extreme sport, so make sure to stretch before taking on any role. If anyone is up for a good game of MFM, please contact me, but you can only be an honorary member.
The No. 2 most exciting activity in Price: hiking, fishing or building a bonfire. More or less, there are many outdoor places to enjoy in Price. There are plenty of places to hike including Nine -Mile Canyon and the San Rafael Swell.
The No. 3 super-fun activity in Price: visit a museum. There are several museums in the Carbon County area. If you enjoy the history of river running, you should visit the John Wesley Powell River History Museum in Green River. If you are interested in mining, visit the Western Mining and Railroad Museum in Helper. There is also the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum located in Price, and that is only the beginning of the plethora of museums in eastern Utah.
No. 4: Join the Krazy Canalers. Asa Shreve informed me of a very exciting and rather strange activity. The Krazy Canalers were a group of students last year that would gather up their sleds, buckets and baby bathtubs every once in a while, hop into their swimming trunks and head to the canal for an exciting four-minute ride. If you are interested in a good time look up Shreve.
No. 5 joyride: Join CEU Outdoors on one of their many activities.
September 22 & 24- Rock Climbing Workshop, fee $15 , registration deadline: September 19th at 5 p.m. Contact Carbon County Recreation @637-5092
September 23- Westwater Canyon River trip, fee $25, includes lunch, registration deadline: September 12, planning meeting Sept. 15th, 6 p.m. in CBB 215. Participants must provide their own transportation. Car pooling may be possible, contact Steve Christensen @513-5663
October 6-8- San Juan River trip, fee: $100, includes food. Registration deadline: September 29th. Planning meeting Oct. 3, 5 p.m. in CBB 215 with participants providing their own transportation. Contact Christensen.
October 11th- Westwater Canyon River trip, fee: $25, includes lunch. Registration deadline: September 29th, planning meeting October 3, 6 p.m. in CBB 215 with participants providing their own transportation, contact Christensen.
No. 6 exciting activity: Swing Club, it is a blast and takes place on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. in the SAC ballroom. You do not need to know how to swing, come learn and have a good time!
No. 7: Paint Gibby. Gibby is the infamous “rock” outside of the JLSC. By now thereis probably more paint than rock on Gibby, it has been tradition for years to paint her. Gibby is open for anyone to paint in any manner, just make sure not to get paint on anything other than Gibby.
No. 8: Get involved. There are many things to do on campus. There are dances, sports, clubs and more. Find something that interests you and join in. Most importantly, have fun.