February 23, 2025

Stop worrying, just manage your time

This archived article was written by: Nick Critchlow

Are you tired, stressed, feel that you do not have enough time to get things done? You are facing what many college students are going through; procrastination. “It sucks, you have too much homework, and have to get it done in two days,” says CEU student Kate Johnson.
College of Eastern Utah’s counselling center has set up special workshops to help students manage their time.
The Student Success Workshops help students who are having a hard time adjusting to the academic life. These workshops teach students techniques such as time management, stress relief, career exploration, test-taking relief, study skills and learning styles. The workshops are coordinated by Shanny Wilson or Darlene Severied. They are held in the Student Center Boardroom and last approximately 50 minutes.
Six years ago, the school found that many students were on probation every semester. Probation means that the student’s G.P.A fell below 2.0. In order to address this problem, the faculty and staff started the “Early Alert Program,” or what is now known as the “Academic Alert Warning.”
This program helped the advising office become involved with the faculty. The instructor filled out a progress report of a student and let the advising office know how the student was doing in class. The office would call the student and alert them about their grade in that class.
This led to phone calls and letters to students who are not doing well in classes. The academic advisors thought a seminar would help students prioritize and plan school work. Last year’s turn out for the seminars were ten to 20 students. Now the turn out for the seminars has reached at least 30 students. “If the students come, they can really get something out of it. It can change the way they study, learn and get out of a bad habit,” says Wilson.
If students are not doing well in a class, or having a hard time doing homework or tests, academic advisers Wilson or Severied encourage those students to attend these workshops to help them achieve their highest potential.
For more information on these workshops, stop by the Academic Advising Office (SC 207), Student Support Services (SC 225) or call 613-5623 or 613-5482.