October 22, 2024

Through The Eagle’s Eye

The Reeves icebox
Anyone who has a class in the Reeves Building can attest to the fact that the rooms are extremely well air conditioned.
Some may consider it a pleasant climate, while others call it “freeze-your-ass-off cold.”
When you can stop by offices in the building and be greeted by the whirring sound of space heaters, it is apparent that the building is too cold.
But, to the college’s benefit, the cooling system in the building is turned off on weekends.
That’s a consolation. While the college consumes more energy than certain islands in the Federated States of Micronesia during the week, we make up for it on weekends by turning everything off.
That’s as good as the ponds that have finally been drained on campus. While CEU tried to make our own little Scofield Reservoir in the lawns on campus, other areas of lawn are dying in the arid desert sun.
That kind of abuse of resources is negligent and shows a bad example to the rest of the state.
And to solve the problem, the college has opted to install at least one additional drain on campus. So now, we consume the same amount of water. The lawn in that area isn’t dying from flooding, but we dump five acre-feet of water rights down the drain every day.
The college should be more conservative in its use of resources. Set the thermostats in the Reeves to a comfortable temperature, say like 70 degrees. Adjust watering times and repair irrigation systems to use water efficiently.
Childish A-frames
The college has made an effort this year to be more visible in the community. Particularly, ASCEU leadership has revamped the Eagle card program. And signs around Price let community members know what is happening on campus.
The little A-frame signs on street corners attract attention and are highly visible from a car on the street.
However, the attention attracted never gets targeted at the event advertised. Members of the community are sure to notice the shoddy job of painting. We’ve never seen the letters “CEU” painted so unevenly – with the obvious exception of the Eagle card signs that student government placed in local businesses.
The paper bulletins that are attached to the signs are completely impossible to read from more than 10 feet away. And the Sharpie markers that they use always run down the paper in the rain. The signs aren’t even replaced after a storm.
Our suggestion is just two words: effective marketing. Stop by Sign Edge in Price and see what they can come up with as an alternative.
Money can’t be an issue; ASCEU spent thousands on improving the game room last year. Student leaders could tap into that magical fund to buy some professional signs.
These signs around the community look as bad as the failed attempt at publicity that last year’s student leaders placed in front of the library.
We say take the three-footers around town, stack them around the eight-foot monolith from last year and have a bon fire.
Then get someone who knows what they are doing to design a professional-looking sign that can be updated with campus events.
The college should represent the best minds in this community. Stencils and spray paint would create a better image than what ASCEU has shown to Price and Carbon County.