October 22, 2024

Bread and Soup Night

This archived article was written by: SUN Center

During the three Mondays of November, CEU attempted to fight back the cold weather with hot bowls of soup and warm slices of fresh bread. Nancy Brown (above) was one of the many who enjoyed Bread and Soup Night.
“We are so happy to report that CEU will be presenting the Carbon County Food Bank with a much needed check for $2,000. You did it. Each and every one of you who came out and ate soup and bread for your dinner, played a part. Special thanks to the 91 volunteers who helped in many ways. This year’s volunteer groups were from the faculty, ASCEU, Ambassadors, SUN Center and the service-learning class.
“Thanks go especially to CEU food service which has once again worked so diligently to help these dinners be successful, especially the cooks, the baker, and Ruby, who is such a pro, and to Jonathan and Dan, the managers, who do not make an ounce of profit from Bread N’ Soup Nights.
“We continue to enjoy unparalleled support for this worthy project, and we sincerely appreciate your continued enthusiasm. See you next fall.”

~CEU SUN Center