October 18, 2024

Robertson semi retires to spend more time with family, hobbies

After 21dedicated years of service to the College of Eastern Utah financial aid office, Pat Robertson has filed for retirement from her position as secretary.
Robertson works as the secretary/technician at the front desk in the financial aid office. Ro-bertson has worked full time 18 years and parttime for three years before.
Robertson decided to retire full time, and for a while she will works 19 hours, four days a week in her former job. “I just have a hard time thinking of not being here and taking care of things.”


This archived article was written by: Nick Critchlow

After 21dedicated years of service to the College of Eastern Utah financial aid office, Pat Robertson has filed for retirement from her position as secretary.
Robertson works as the secretary/technician at the front desk in the financial aid office. Ro-bertson has worked full time 18 years and parttime for three years before.
Robertson decided to retire full time, and for a while she will works 19 hours, four days a week in her former job. “I just have a hard time thinking of not being here and taking care of things.”
Her main job is to take care of bills, appointments, getting files ready when the students bring in their paper work and help fill out applications. “Being at the front desk, a lot of the students get their anger out before seeing the boss,” says Robertson.
She interviewed for the position years ago and landed it easily. “They hired me because they wanted someone who was good with people and I like people, so it was an easy job for me.”
One of Robertson’s most memorable moments in her years as a secretary was in 1994 when she won the award for Outstanding Service to Students, “I thought that was really big surprise because the students voted for it.”
The only aspect Robertson will not miss about her job is dealing with the angry or disgruntled students who come to see her.
After Robertson’s retirement, she plans on spending more time with her grandchildren, camping, yard work and sewing. “I just want to do a lot of the things I used to do before I went to work, because by the time you get home from a long day at work, you don’t want to do hobbies.
Robertson has non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphnoids. “Right now it is in remission. It has been seven years since I have done chemo. It is a type of cancer that should reoccur, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted some free time, because I did not want to work while I am sick. I wanted to go before I get sick.
“I have worked with Pat for 16 or more years, she’s lots of fun to be around. She is an awesome, awesome lady who loves the students. I am happy for her and glad she is going to be able to spend a lot more time with her family. We are going to miss her,” says registration office employee Darla Cloward.