February 22, 2025

SUN Center Service honors 21 leaders

Throughout the year, 21 student leaders brought service to the campus and community. This has taken time, effort, and planning. Their dedication to service has had the ripple effect and has made it possible for others to get involved.

Throughout the year, 21 student leaders brought service to the campus and community. This has taken time, effort, and planning. Their dedication to service has had the ripple effect and has made it possible for others to get involved.
For those who have been on one of their service projects either for a service-learning class, or for the experience; you can attest that these students have enhanced the college experience by taking the time to substitute worrying of grades, classes, friends, family into service to others. Each leader is a unique individual, bringing to the table various interests. They have taken their interests and headed up a project to benefit the student body. The following is a list of the leaders and their projects they have been involved in this past year:
Adam Anderson has been involved two years. This year he has planned all of the environmental projects (Nine-Mile, campus clean-up).
Ben Bailey used his musical abilities to correlate singing at Parkdale, and an Acoustic Fill to raise money for the Food Bank.
Sydney Broadhead was the leader over the Golden Rule Mission. She doubled the amount of meals given to the Mission and added creativity and variety.
Angela Chavez worked with the CEU Museum. She helped with the float, Easter Egg Hunt, and prepare for many activities including story hour.
John Emett has led various projects including: Youth and Families with Promise (mentoring program), service corner and the service-learning survey.
Tommy Garvin became involved with America Reads and held read-a-thons at local elementary schools.
Heather Gray participated in Pro-Care, an after-school program giving children a place to go and something to do until their parents can pick them up after work.
Janice Greenburg added variety to the project by leading service projects with Active Re-Entry and reading stories at Castle Valley Center.
Tom Hebdon took on the time consuming tasks of organizing and carrying out service-learning luncheons to inform and involve instructors in the program.
Jessica Holdaway led students to aiding the teachers at Price Head Start.
Ven Lima made more people aware of the Wildman by decorating, handing out coins, and stickers to involve the students in raising money for local organizations.
Amy Loveridge provided opportunities to make quilts for Newborns in Need.
Amanda Mair joined this semester and took on one-time projects including: Family Coalition Dinner, fundraiser for students to go to school in Liberia, and more.
Last semester, Colby Majors was over Castle Valley Center helping the school paint ramps and this semester headed up RASK (Random Acts of Simple Kindness).
Mike Malmgren worked hard with students to raise money all year until Spring Break where they served their ways to Mexico.
Dane Morley has been the vice-president for two years and helped with hunger issues including the Trick or Treat for Food and Bread and Soup Nights.
Kerri Rogers was a service leader last semester and helped at Parkdale Care Center.
Jill Schaugaard also led last semester over one-time projects which included: Angel Tree (providing Christmas to people in poverty), the Road Rally and Make a Difference Day.
Curt Snelgrove was the leader over Kids at Heart and gave a chance for students to be a mentor to children at Housing Authority every Tuesday.
Liz Westling helped Family Support and Children’s Justice Center and with storytelling (going to kindergarten classes acting out stories).
Nate Zilles was a service leader for three semesters dedicated to projects such as Environmental and Habitat for Humanity (building a home for a family in need).
These leaders have sacrificed their time to bring service to campus and help CEU get involved with the community. The service they made available helped students take the focus off of themselves and have a more well-rounded college experience. Thank you leaders, for all of your hard work and good luck in what lies ahead, added Kathy Murray, SUN Center director.
The service-learning Scholars program gives recognition to dedicated students who complete a rigorous and enriching program of curriculum-based service learning. In order to graduate with the honor, a student must complete: eight-credit hours of service learning classes, 200 hours of service to the community. Students are actively pursuing this distinction during the two years they at CEU. This program is designed to provide students the tools of an active citizen.
The College of Eastern Utah has 45 of these courses which have been specifically developed; by faculty to incorporate service into their curriculum. The service-learning faculty advisory committee determines if a class is eligible for a service-learning designation. These classes have asterisk to designate them on the course schedule. Students develop learning goals and carefully document their hours in a detailed journal. Two hundred service hours must be completed.
Student completing this program are recognized by: a royal blue honor cord worn on the robe at graduation, acknowledgement of accomplishment in the graduation program; a certificate of achievement; recognition of service-learning distinction on the transcript; and an award banquet honoring students. All institutions’ of higher education in Utah will except the honor and give the student opportunities to graduate with a Service-learning distinction with their bachelors’ degree.
“We learn to build homes by building homes; to play the harp by playing the harp; to be just by doing just act,” wrote Aristotle. We applaud our administration and faculty members at the College of Eastern Utah who recognize service as a valuable learning experience which contributes significantly to the intellectual and moral development of a student. They have shown by daring to use a different pedagogy their awareness of students and their ability to learn and apply this learning to needs of others, Murray says.