October 22, 2024

The trouble with those darn athletes

I sit at my laptop, on Tuesday morning trying to figure out what to write my last column of the year on. The deadline for this article that I’m trying feverishly to finish was last Friday, I have to stop missing deadlines.
I’ve noticed lately that a lot of sports stars are making the news for things that happen off the field of play. So in the column today, I’m going to talk about athletes and the stories off the field.

This archived article was written by: Nate Davis

I sit at my laptop, on Tuesday morning trying to figure out what to write my last column of the year on. The deadline for this article that I’m trying feverishly to finish was last Friday, I have to stop missing deadlines.
I’ve noticed lately that a lot of sports stars are making the news for things that happen off the field of play. So in the column today, I’m going to talk about athletes and the stories off the field.
It was recently revealed that the family of former University of Southern California stand out, Reggie Bush has been living in a house owned by a rich businessman without paying rent. This is a story of note because under NCAA rules, student-athletes and their families are prohibited from receiving any extra benefits.
Now if Bush’s family was living in the home while he was tearing it up at Southern Cal, there might be a problem.
Everyone’s favorite roid fiend, Barry Bonds, is in the news again for something other then his performance on the field. Bonds recently said that he isn’t sure if he will break Hank Aaron’s home run record. In an interview Bonds hinted at the idea that retirement isn’t far away when he said about Aaron’s record, “I’m happy with what I’ve already done … If I get it, I get it; if I don’t, so be it. That’s life, baby.
That’s life. It was fun while it lasted” As a baseball fan, I truly hope the Bonds has the decency to retire before he tarnishes one of the greatest baseball records. Even if all this time Bonds has been clean, and never once used steroids, people will still doubt him. Fans will also doubt the legitimacy of the record. I hope that Bonds will retire, before breaking Aaron’s record.
In an unrelated story Barry Bonds’ personal trainer has been reportedly subpoenaed to testify in the perjury case against Bonds. The case is currently being heard by a grand jury.
Utah State University quarterback Jerod Walker was charged with rape recently. Walker a 19-year-old freshman was arrested and booked into Cache County Jail, two weeks ago. Tyler Riggs of the Herald Journal said, “Walker was booked into jail, but posted $10,000 bail and was released later Thursday.”
USU campus police Lt. Steve Milne said the allegations stem from a report by a 20-year-old female student who told police she went to Walker’s on-campus apartment on April 9 and was raped. Walker was kicked off the Aggies football team said USU athletic spokesman Mike Strauss.
The Duke University lacrosse scandal heats up as two Duke players are indicted for rape. The two players are accused of raping a dancer at a party on March 13.
Duke Athletic Director Joe Alleva urged the public to not assume the players are guilty when he said, “Let us not forget at this difficult time that under our system of laws, those charged with crimes are presumed innocent until judged by a jury of their peers.”
In a completely unrelated story Lakers star Kobe Bryant, has decided to change his jersey number from 8 to 24. Causing thousands of kids to run to their parents and beg for money so they can go out and buy new jerseys.
Green Bay Packer star, Brett Farve decided Tuesday to return to the Packers and play one more season. Farve is the leagues only three-time MVP, and is second in passing yards only to the great Dan Marino. Farve has long said that if he did play in 06, it would be his final season.
And that’s a wrap of a few of the bigger stories in the world of sports. If you feel I forgot a story that you think I should have mentioned feel free to e-mail me your opinion at [email protected]