October 22, 2024

Somebody let me in on the secrets

Most times when writing editorials, I present things in a manner that hopefully explains my position. More often than not, I want someone to explain things that I write about because quite often, what I write about something that I don’t understand completely. In presenting what I do know, my opinion of whatever subject I chose to write about, I want someone to respond and explain things to me. So far nobody has.

This archived article was written by: Leland Labato

Most times when writing editorials, I present things in a manner that hopefully explains my position. More often than not, I want someone to explain things that I write about because quite often, what I write about something that I don’t understand completely. In presenting what I do know, my opinion of whatever subject I chose to write about, I want someone to respond and explain things to me. So far nobody has.
What if I am wrong in expressing my opinion, or do not have sufficient information? What if I am on the right track but do not quite understand what I am talking about? I realize that these are opinions I am presenting but I, unlike many people, realize that I am not the smartest person on the planet. I could be working from a premise that is completely inaccurate and therefore the foundation of my whole position is shaky at best.
I often research topics I write about, but that is merely so I can have information and some facts on what I have chosen on my subject. I write things to the best of my ability and understanding. But one thing that troubles me from time to time is what if I do not completely understand my chosen topic? What if there is one thing that I am not getting about something that if I understood would negate the whole reason for my editorial?
Now I understand that these are editorials and are my opinion, but I am walking around harboring a humungous flaw that all of us happen to have, I am human. Humanity brings with it not only the capacity for abstract thought, love, hate, logic and reason, but also the capacity to be wrong. So even though I am editorializing, just as any of us could be, I could be wrong.
Not all of the things I write about are like this. There are some things that are pure opinion and coming from feelings more then anything else. There are things that I write about that I am informed of and am able to intelligently construct an opinion, think what I want to say and argue my position.
There are also subjects which there are no absolutes, no right or wrong, or more to the point, correct or incorrect. There are many topics that exist in a large gray area and are open to individual interpretation. But then again, what if something I write about is not one of the gray areas and I am not aware of? It could happen.
Keep in mind when reading one of my editorials that I do not think like everybody else. I do not think like most people that any given person reading this is likely to know. I am not a typical person that one might encounter is basically what the precluding statement comes down to. I often have a different take on something than most people. In fact I often go out of my way to look at things differently than they have presented to me. In fact in most cases if I can avoid being like anybody else, I try to just go that route. I don’t know why, it irritates me to no end thinking that I’m like anybody else, let alone everybody else.
I pride myself very heavily on my individuality. Even to the point where I am at odds on things with everybody else around me. Even to the point that I am the only one arguing a point about something. This is part of why I am writing this particular piece. What exactly is it that everybody gets that I am not seeing? What is it that I am seeing that not everybody else gets. Am I wrong? Are they wrong? Who knows.
What it comes down to is what if in my natural tendency to go against the norm on things, I end up being wrong, or at the very least looking like an idiot? Yet at the same time, what if I make people look at things in a way that may not have occurred to them previously?
On the whole, who is to say who is right or wrong in any given situation? Who’s to say that there even is a right or wrong in any given situation? Does belief in one thing that is so powerful as to influence others around oneself to believe the same way make anyone right? Who knows?
I began this article with a completely different subject in mind. I stopped after the first paragraph, took a step back and decided that this was a thought worth exploring, which has led to this point. It is here that I must now depart, there is dancing to be done and I am the one that needs to do it. But just keep in mind in reading any of my articles, or anybody’s editorial, that these are opinions. I and others who write editorials are human and could likely be wrong. As for my case, if I am wrong, let me know. Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful day and wear your seatbelts.