October 22, 2024

The Greenburg sisters: December’s service spotlight

This week’s College of Eastern Utah’s service spotlight shines on the Greenburg sisters, Janice and Jackie, from Castle Dale, Utah.   Both are working on their generals, and thinking of attending SUU after they graduate from CEU.
Janice Greenburg joined the SUN Center because she wanted to serve, and heard it was a great way to get involved.   She was a member of the SUN Center Leaders last semester, and was over Active Re-Entry.   This year she is over-seeing Youth and Families with Promise (YFP).  

This archived article was written by: Amanda Mair

This week’s College of Eastern Utah’s service spotlight shines on the Greenburg sisters, Janice and Jackie, from Castle Dale, Utah.   Both are working on their generals, and thinking of attending SUU after they graduate from CEU.
Janice Greenburg joined the SUN Center because she wanted to serve, and heard it was a great way to get involved.   She was a member of the SUN Center Leaders last semester, and was over Active Re-Entry.   This year she is over-seeing Youth and Families with Promise (YFP).  
Greenburg got her start in service in the home, and from there it carried over into the rest of her school life.   Greenburg’s favorite quote about service is “Service benefits both the giver and the receiver.”   She is a giving person, and involved in many things.   Outside of the SUN Center, she participates in service with the LDS church.   When she’s not serving, Green burg enjoys reading, walking, talking, as well as spending time with family and friends.   Jackie Greenburg joined the SUN Center because she enjoys service and being involved, and because her older sister was doing it! (Wink, wink!)   Greenburg got her first taste of service as a child.   The Greenburg family was involved with a 12 Days of Christmas project.   Greenburg really liked the feeling that helping others gave her, and since then service has been a big part of her life.  
Since that time, Greenburg has been involved with service through the LDS Young Women’s Program, as well as Youth City Council, and now in the SUN Center as the leader over Head Start.   When asked to reflect on her feelings about service, Greenburg says “true joy in life is found in the sharing of it.”   Greenburg truly finds joy in service, and hopes that she can help others to feel that too.
Outside of school and service Greenburg enjoys anything outdoors (especially hiking), drawing, watching old movies and being with her family.   In her spare time Greenburg is also a comedian, and so we leave you with this joke. Q: Where did the king put his armies?   A: In his sleevies.