October 17, 2024

Reach out and make a friend or two

A new semester has come, and as
such there are new faces around
campus. With new people comes
the chance to make new friends and
experience life in Carbon and Emery
counties. A sad truth is that most students
on this campus do not associate
with many people.

Whether it is lack of interest or fear
of rejection is something that must be
realized from within. I for one am guilty
of not making the effort to broaden my
horizons by putting myself out there.

My time at CEU is almost done and
yet there are people that I have seen
since my first semester but never spoken

This archived article was written by: Mike Overson

A new semester has come, and as
such there are new faces around
campus. With new people comes
the chance to make new friends and
experience life in Carbon and Emery
counties. A sad truth is that most students
on this campus do not associate
with many people.

Whether it is lack of interest or fear
of rejection is something that must be
realized from within. I for one am guilty
of not making the effort to broaden my
horizons by putting myself out there.

My time at CEU is almost done and
yet there are people that I have seen
since my first semester but never spoken
to. Everyone has a story to tell as well
as lessons that can be taught. We as a
student body should strive not to become
more exclusive with whom we associate,
rather we should make the effort to at the
very least say hello to others in passing.

This does not mean I’m urging you to
stalk cute girls around campus, instead,
break out of your comfort zone. This is
college and sadly enough real life is here.
No amount of hiding will make it all go
away, we all will have to deal with society.
Whether or not it is a good experience
depends on the person.

My picture is printed every edition of
this paper so people should know what I
look like. If my views on politics, religion
or presidential policy scare you, I’m sorry.
Well not really, but if it seems like I am
unapproachable, make it a p oi n t
to tell me your views
and I will respect them
as long as you can
respect mine. I look
forward to having
intelligent conversations
with all
of you at some
point in time.

Until then,
fight the power.