February 17, 2025

Perhaps like me, geology is right for you

Hello from your friendly neighborhood Math/Science Senator Hobie Willis. I hope everyone is enjoying this new semester and having fun in their classes. As required, each senator on the ASCEU Academic Senate has written an article informing CEU as to what we as senators do and what we represent, and so it’s my turn.

This archived article was written by: Hobie Willis

Hello from your friendly neighborhood Math/Science Senator Hobie Willis. I hope everyone is enjoying this new semester and having fun in their classes. As required, each senator on the ASCEU Academic Senate has written an article informing CEU as to what we as senators do and what we represent, and so it’s my turn.
The science and math divisions are comprised of the following departments and each is headed by a “department head”: Pam Miller-anthropology/museum studies, Jonathan Krum-biology, George Uhlig-chemistry, Henry Zwick-engineering, Michelle Fleck-geology/geography, Melanie Nelson-math, Dave Kardelis-physics, and Nathan Wilson-wilderness Studies.
As a senator, it is my job to make sure that both the instructors and students from these departments have a voice on ASCEU. I have talked with students in the respective classes within each department to get a feel for any improvements, concerns or questions students might have. I have also been meeting with professors to provide an “ear” for anything they might want to say. My job on the ASCEU Senate is to promote my respective divisions within CEU itself and to other higher education institutions.
I try to give equal representation to all of the divisions I am responsible for, however, as a geology/geophysics major, I tend to lean more toward that area. As such, I am going to take this opportunity to do a little shameless promotion of the geology department.
The College of Eastern Utah has an excellent geology program. The collection of fossils and minerals CEU owns is extensive in amount and variety. The professors alone within the geology department bring literally decades of field and teaching experience. If you haven’t picked a major yet, perhaps geology can rock your world. Ok, ok, I’m done.
The other departments within the science and math divisions are all excellent. You can obtain a pre-engineering degree in almost every field of engineering and be well prepared to transfer to a university. The math department is equipped to offer every co-requisite and pre-requisite needed for the science classes. The newest achievement of the chemistry department can be seen in the January 17 edition of The Eagle. The biology department can offer you a new look at the microscopic world around you, and the wilderness studies department can offer a better understanding of the more visible world. The Anthropology/Museum Studies department has excellent resources for learning through the CEU Prehistoric Museum, which contains both in-depth exhibits of the dinosaurs common to this area, as well as fascinating exhibits on the ice age and the more recent past; Native Americans. Finally, the physics department provides real-life applications of the principles in it.
A prime example is the annual CEU Pumpkin Chuck where physics students are required to build a medieval siege machine called a trebuchet and use it to launch pumpkins across the soccer field. The last pumpkin chuck was held on Dec. 7, 2007. I would personally like to, again, thank all those who supported us in the cold and snow, and if you missed it, catch it again this December. So, if you are looking to pick a major or change yours for the fiftieth time (and geology doesn’t do it for you) maybe a science or math career is the way to go.
A little bit about me: I was born and raised in Roosevelt, Utah. I love rocks (duh)! I enjoy swimming and the outdoors. Technically, I am a sophomore (and a half) and will graduate this semester. I came to CEU in 2005 for the geology program and have loved every minute of being here. I have thoroughly enjoyed the friendships I have made, both on the professional and student level here at the College of Eastern Utah.
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or even snide remarks, e-mail me at [email protected]