March 10, 2025

Letters to the editor …

Dear editor,

Four words: Residential Life is ridiculous. The situation gets increasingly worse, almost daily, but still the students are ignored. If the administration honestly desires to remedy problems with retention, enrollment and student morale, they would turn their eyes to the problems that plague every on-campus student’s lives.

Dear editor,

Four words: Residential Life is ridiculous. The situation gets increasingly worse, almost daily, but still the students are ignored. If the administration honestly desires to remedy problems with retention, enrollment and student morale, they would turn their eyes to the problems that plague every on-campus student’s lives.
Food Services is beyond appalling. Offered menu choices are consistently inedible, if even available. The hours of operation are completely inefficient and especially unsuitable for students trying to eat on the weekends. The food is often severely restricted in choices, prohibitively expensive, very poorly prepared, often unsafe for consumption, stale, and altogether completely unsatisfactory. There’s a problem if almost every student eating consistently at the cafeteria has experienced indigestion or food poisoning from the food offered.
Housing maintenance is unacceptable. Calling the help desk is useless and futile, as it takes weeks to fix any problem, and is often ignored entirely. Residential Advisors and Head Residents are unable to produce results with maintenance crews and supervision. In one example, a resident living in Sessions Hall had a window fall out of the frame in early fall semester. She reported the problem, and proceeded to wait until early Spring semester. It was not until the entire frame fell out of the sill that any action was taken. The gentleman summoned to fix the problem merely placed the frame back in the window and informed the resident that nothing could be done. After complaining to housing officials, she was finally moved to another room. She is now planning on filing official complaints with various departments, including the Board of Health. It should be an indicator that one of the people paid to provide services on campus has allegedly been fired repeatedly by other institutions of higher learning in the state.
I know of entire apartments of students that have withdrawn from school because the conditions are so bad. This is indicative of a huge problem that the administration consistently fails to address. If action is not taken, eventually a student will be seriously injured, and the school will be facing a world of hurt that they could’ve averted by simply fixing the glaring problems under their nose.
Daniel B. Thompson

Dear editor,
As any college student, I enjoy going out with friends and dating the current semester’s selection of young ladies. There is, however, a growing amount of stupid, silly college girls. Now hear me out, not all college girls are “silly” college girls. Let me explain.
I will meet a nice, interesting girl whom after spending a little bit of time talking with, it seems that we hit if off great. So, I take the leap and ask them out sometime. She accepts the offer, gives me her phone number and we go our separate ways for a few days. Then when I go to set up the date, they back pedal! What the hell is up with that? If you didn’t want to go out with me in the first place, then just have the balls to say so. Not that I’ve ever dated a girl with balls, but you get the idea. I’m so sick of the bullshit high school games.
I may not be a returned missionary, the regular church attendee, or the captain of some sports team, but I am a very respective, hard working, faithful and trustworthy person. I am fun and easy going I may not have the highest standards in which every ‘so called evil’ is evil … I’ve tasted the bitter cup, the Holy Grail, and been a patron at various gentlemen’s clubs … If you consider that being evil then maybe I shouldn’t spend my time worrying about dating you. Don’t judge someone until you spend the time to get to know him or her. Don’t be a two-faced person that thinks other people’s feelings don’t matter. Now these things can be said about both men and women so ladies don’t feel so picked on. So here is the deal, if you don’t want to go out in the first place, DON’T GIVE OUT YOUR PHONE NUMBER! Instead, politely say; “No thanks, I’m not interested,” almost everyone can respect that. It pisses me off when you play me on, then ditch out over the phone, or even worse a text message, before I even made it out of the garage.
A complaint that I hear from some of the girls I’ve dated is that guys are fake or that we change. I’ve seen this on both sides and it really makes it hard trusting the next person you date. Be yourself, if they like who you are, they will continue dating you, it’s that simple. Don’t try to be something your not to try and get the girl that you really can’t please. I’ve seen countless times where a relationship starts out great until the true you comes out and they realize you truly are an ass hole. I know that am blunt and I’ve offended some girls I’ve dated, but I’d rather get the truth out there and bypass all the high-school nonsense than make a girl fall for someone I’m not.
Just as an example; I’m not much of one to open the door EVERY time you get in my car or the door to a building we are going in. Now I like to open the door on occasion so I can check you out as you walk in front of me, what guy doesn’t? However, I am not going to treat you like you’re a helpless child either. “Everyone gets at least one.” That is what I tell every girl I date, you will get your door opened for you at least once because it’s polite.
Dating can be a roller coaster, and makes you depressed. I don’t know how many times I’ve been dumped and had to pick myself back up, but if these couple seemingly simple acts, college dating life would be a lot easier on all of us that are grown out of the junior high dating games.
So there it all is. If you are a girl reading this that isn’t going to play stupid games with me and looking for someone like me; fun, lovable, easy going, respectful, someone that is willing to help with anything, trustworthy, faithful, open minded, and a great lover … I’m open about sexuality, it’s not taboo, it should be embraced not shunned … then by hell you should e-mail me: [email protected]
Jeremy Johnson