October 17, 2024

Looking for pool players

College of Eastern Utah student Leslie Reece, thought of an amazing idea while he was playing pool (billiards). “Why not start a pool club, we have pool tables and some sticks and it takes the stress off when playing?” Afew pool tables are on campus and the best part is, you don’t need to go too far for a fun, free game.
While coming up with this idea, he and other friends helped him promote the game to other students. Since Tucker and AJ residence halls have pool tables, students who are done with homework or just come home from a long day, can enjoy themselves a relaxing game of pool.

This archived article was written by: Michael Babb

College of Eastern Utah student Leslie Reece, thought of an amazing idea while he was playing pool (billiards). “Why not start a pool club, we have pool tables and some sticks and it takes the stress off when playing?” Afew pool tables are on campus and the best part is, you don’t need to go too far for a fun, free game.
While coming up with this idea, he and other friends helped him promote the game to other students. Since Tucker and AJ residence halls have pool tables, students who are done with homework or just come home from a long day, can enjoy themselves a relaxing game of pool.
“The thing is with the pool club is that you don’t need to be good at it to be in it. I mean, hell look at me, I am an okay player and started this club to just have a good time. Sure reading a book and playing games is fun, but you really need to use your head in real time games, like football. In pool, you’re a one-person team and have to rely on skills and logic in the game,” TJ Applegate said.
Pool club meets every night around 9:30 p.m. and plays until whenever anyone wants to quit or falls asleep on the couches. The pool club is a club that knows no time but only entertainment and great friends, Reece said.
He hopes to promote more people into joining the club, and plans to organize a tournament with games of eight ball, nine ball and cutthroat. Prizes will be provided to the winners and refreshments will be served.