February 23, 2025

Library encourages Academic Pioneer

What does Academic Pioneer mean to you?
The library staff would like to remind students as you begin to write your research papers, essays and reports that the library has thousands of electronically accessible scholarly and popular articles in all subject areas. Students do not and should not have to visit Google or any other commercial Internet search directory in order to access reliable, relevant, timely and authoritative information on a topic.

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw

What does Academic Pioneer mean to you?
The library staff would like to remind students as you begin to write your research papers, essays and reports that the library has thousands of electronically accessible scholarly and popular articles in all subject areas. Students do not and should not have to visit Google or any other commercial Internet search directory in order to access reliable, relevant, timely and authoritative information on a topic.
Academic Pioneer is a collection of scholarly, popular and reliable databases purchased by the Utah Academic Library Consortium, the Utah Legislature and each college or university in the state of Utah. As students at CEU you have unlimited access to the databases in Academic Pioneer. A link to this resource is available on the library homepage at library.ceu.edu.
When accessing information from a computer on campus simply select the listing: Journals and Comprehensive Info near the top of the library homepage. A drop down menu headed by Academic Pioneer will appear. Click on Academic Pioneer and then select a subscription database that addresses your topic and type of research. A brief description of the contents of each database is listed below each title. For instance, the database Congressional Quarterly aka, “CQ” is a database dedicated to “hot topics” in the news. The database provides a fairly in-depth reporting on several topics such as the War in Iraq, Social Security, Animal Cruelty, the Presidential Race, Cloning, and many more subjects. CQ provides background information on topics as well as thoroughly researched timelines, charts & graphs, pros & cons and an extensive reference area for further research.
Another great resource in Academic Pioneer is EBSCOhost which is actually a comprehensive subscription service with several subject specific databases. In EBSCOhost students will be able to locate articles from scholarly journals in topics such as nursing, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, literature, environmental science and drama to name a few.
Here at the library we would like to extend a challenge and an invitation to all students, faculty and staff to visit the library homepage and test out Academic Pioneer. I promise that you won’t be disappointed. You may never again use Google or Yahoo when searching for information!
For further information on locating and using Academic Pioneer or any other resources available at the CEU Library, please feel free to visit Lori Brassaw, CEU Reference and Instruction Librarian. Also, students, faculty and staff may call to set up an appointment for library tours, instruction sessions, and general library assistance by calling (435) 613-5328.