October 18, 2024

Academic awards galore

Govenor’s Scholars
Four College of Eastern Utah students were named 2008 Governor’s Scholars by Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman on April 15 in Salt Lake City. The four, Maria Bjarnson, Carrie Fleck, Nick Deeter and Jake Erramouspe were honored at a luncheon ceremony Tuesday held at the Governor’s Mansion.
Bjarnson is a dental hygiene major from Midvale, Utah. A sophomore, she carries a 3.9 GPA while being involved in the SUN Center, representing CEU on the Utah Campus Compact Transition team, donating over 1,000 volunteer hours and being nominated to the National Dean’s List.


Govenor’s Scholars
Four College of Eastern Utah students were named 2008 Governor’s Scholars by Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman on April 15 in Salt Lake City. The four, Maria Bjarnson, Carrie Fleck, Nick Deeter and Jake Erramouspe were honored at a luncheon ceremony Tuesday held at the Governor’s Mansion.
Bjarnson is a dental hygiene major from Midvale, Utah. A sophomore, she carries a 3.9 GPA while being involved in the SUN Center, representing CEU on the Utah Campus Compact Transition team, donating over 1,000 volunteer hours and being nominated to the National Dean’s List.
Fleck is a nursing major from Price. A freshman, she carries a 3.96 GPA while being a SUN Center leader over the Southeastern Utah District Heath Department project.
Deeter is an exercise and sports science/pre-medicine major from Helper. A sophomore, he carries a perfect 4.0 GPA and will represent his class as one of three valedictorians on May 2. He has spent the past two years as vice president of the academic senate for CEUSA.
Erramouspe is an electrical engineering major from Helper. A sophomore, he carries a 3.9 GPA and spends his time pursuing academic excellence in the engineering department.
Now in its fourth year, the Governor’s Scholars program honors four students from each of Utah’s colleges and universities who have demonstrated academic excellence during their freshman and sophomore years.
Valedictorian Awards
Two Carbon High School graduates and an Ogden High School graduate, with perfect 4.0 GPAs, will represent the College of Eastern Utah’s 2008 graduation class on Saturday, May 3 in the Bunnell-Dmitrich Center at 10:30 a.m.
Nicholas Barry Deeter, son of Barry and Linda Deeter is from Helper. He was the valedictorian for the CHS Class of 2006. While at Carbon, Deeter was named General Sterling Scholar and was a captain of the football and wrestling teams where he received academic all-state honors for both sports.
While at CEU, Deeter was ASCEU Academic Senate Vice President for two years. He plans to transfer to the University of Utah where he will major in exercise and sports science and minor in exercise physiology and pre-medicine. Deeter’s goal is to be a sports physician and open a practice.
Vanessa Lynn Hunt is a 2006 high honor graduate of CHS. She is the daughter of Jeff Hunt of Carbonville and Lynn Hunt of Price. Hunt attended CEU on a two-year Presidential Scholarship where she is mamajoring in English. She is involved with the Sun Center as a leader over the Creekview Elementary project and an editor of the CEU student magazine The Nighthawk Review. She plans to attend CEU another year to take more English classes.
An 2006 graduate, Wendy Vogel maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA at OHS. Born and raised in Ogden, she is the daughter of Jim and Joan Vogel. Vogel attended CEU on an academic scholarship and maintained a 4.0 GPA. After graduation she will join many family members as CEU alumni, including her parents, older sister, and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. While at CEU Vogel was a mentor for the Youth and Families with Promise program and participated in SUN Center activities. She worked with the CEU Preschool and was accepted into the teacher education program at Weber State University where she plans to receive dual licensure for early childhood and elementary education.
Academic Awards Banquet
The annual academic awards banquet honors student excellence in various departments, and will take place on May 2nd in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center at 6:30 in the evening. Presenting these awards will be Deans’ Greg Bensen and Russell Goodrich.
From the accounting department, Carter Cassidy is receiving an outstanding student award. Recognized from administrative assistance is Adrian Jensen. Outstanding biology student is Tyler Tatton; receiving the Boni Nichols Stick-To-It award is Joy Voda. From the business and economics department, John Fazzio was recognized. Outstanding student from the chemistry-inorganic department is Russele Snow, and from chemistry-organic is Russell Scow.
Recognized from the communication department is Jordan Buscarini, and Aubrey Spencer from cosmetology. April Benoit is receiving an award from the criminal justice Department, and Rebecaa Mckinnon is being recognized for excellence in the dance department. Outstanding education student in Arnie Terry, and from the engineering, drafting and design technology is Andrew Cooley. Ricky A. Cook is the outstanding electronics student, and Louis Tonc and Tim Lasslo are being recognized from the engineering department. As outstanding English student, Justin Wilde, and receiving the award from the foreign language department is Maria Bjarnson.
The geology department is recognizing Jen Zivkovic, and Michael Rigby is receiving an award from the communication department. From the communication-newspaper department are students Mike Overson and Scott Frederick. Jake Erramouspe is receiving the outstanding student award from the mathematics department, and Evan Peyton is the outstanding student from the music department. From the nursing- AND department, Roberta A. Hribal is receiving an award, and Diane Tadehara is also receiving an award from the nursing- practical department. Outstanding student from the psychology department is Louis Duke, and from the recreation department is Brandalyn Karren. Jacob Petty is the outstanding student from the welding- college department, and Michael Rigby is receiving recognition from the welding- high school department.
President Ryan Thomas will address the Class of ’08 as the speaker with his wife, Ann, receiving this year’s honorary degree at the 70th commencement exercises.
“Few people have done as much to support the college as has Ann. During the last seven years, she has worked tirelessly supporting students, staff, and faculty. She has been actively involved with the library, the theater department, women’s conferences and commencement exercises.
“She has hosted numerous dignitaries, fed countless students, team-taught several courses with President Thomas, and spent many hours alone while he was away on college business. She has done all this with dignity and style. The college is deeply indebted to Ann Thomas for all she has done to make CEU a better place,” said academic vice president Mike King.

1 thought on “Academic awards galore

  1. Comment
    I completely agree. Ann is President Thomas’s only redeeming value. She is a great lady.

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