March 10, 2025

Library urges clearing up all fines early

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw

As the end of the school year approaches, library personnel would like to remind students to clear up any and all library fines. The college will not release transcripts, records or grades unless all fines and holds at the CEU Library are resolved. Also, please remember that any books, DVDs, CDs, videos or other library items you may have checked out and still have in your possession need to be returned to the library prior to the time you leave the campus. It would be a good idea to return unneeded library materials NOW before you get busy with finals and packing. Take a moment to look through your dorm room, car or backpack for any library-owned items that are overdue and return them to the library this next week. For questions regarding your account, please visit the library front desk or call the library at: 613-5209.
Also students are reminded that we have five-study rooms for checkout and use at the library. During finals week or any time you would like to study with another friend or group of friends in a relaxed atmosphere to talk and discuss the upcoming test or class, just drop by the front desk in the library and reserve a study room. During finals week the study rooms fill up quickly so I would encourage groups to come in now to reserve the room you want for the date and time you want to meet.
The library hours are Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday 2-10 p.m.. The library hours will be the same during finals week. Reminder: It is possible to access electronic books and electronically stored scholarly journal articles from off campus. Just visit the library homepage at and click on the Remote Access link located at the center of the page and follow the promptings. There is also a multi-media and read-only instruction link to access journals off campus. For further information or assistance assessing items from off campus please contact: Lori Brassaw, CEU Reference & Instruction Librarian at (435) 613-5328.