March 13, 2025

Take a deep breath, count slowly

Take a deep breath in through your nose, count to five and slowly breath out through your mouth. Doing this repetitively can calm a person’s nerves.
This is used to help the body receive extra or lost oxygen levels. It helps the mind think clearly, and the oxygen releases endorphins to make people happy.
Breathing has been one of the best ways to help with just about any problem that a person has. Anger is a one problem that breathing can help with.

This archived article was written by: Brandy Urrutia

Take a deep breath in through your nose, count to five and slowly breath out through your mouth. Doing this repetitively can calm a person’s nerves.
This is used to help the body receive extra or lost oxygen levels. It helps the mind think clearly, and the oxygen releases endorphins to make people happy.
Breathing has been one of the best ways to help with just about any problem that a person has. Anger is a one problem that breathing can help with.
No matter what kind of day someone is having, there will be that moment where a person is going to lose his or her temper and frustration will no longer be handled in the correct manner.
It is possible for people to understand what is bothering another, however, many people who have problems that cannot be dealt with think that no one understands them.
Miscommunication is one issue that contributes to the problem. Sometimes, it is hard for people to say what is going on in a thought. There are those who know how to explain thoughts easily, and those who do not.
When a person is angry or frustrated, a common way to deal with the problem is talking about it. What about those who do not know what to say? How do they deal with their problem?
People who do not know how to talk about their problems usually resort to violence. These people cannot handle the intense situation, whatever it may be, and others are the ones who pay the price.
Then there is the other type of person who, when frustrated or angry, does not like to tell anyone their problems. These are the types of people who have some of the worst problems to deal with.
Because they do not like to talk about their problems, they can become more emotional when others around them constantly ask the known question, “What’s wrong?”
A lot of the time, these people are commonly known as teenagers, but similar stress levels are common in college students.
According to the Covenant Sleep Center, students who do not sleep enough can face long-term consequences beyond grogginess. Needlessly to say, they harm their bodies throughout time. Seizure, stroke and heart attacks have also been consequences of sleep deprivation.
Simply to say, everyone has problems. It can range from young children to the old cantankerous man living down the street. Solutions do not come easily to those who beg for it. Constant happiness is hard to find, but in the end, problems help us even though people can say they cannot.
Next time there is something bad going on, you cannot sleep, or you need to just relax, remember that good things end so better things can start. Take a deep breath in, count to five, release your problems.