Making something to do
I have been hearing a lot of this lately and it may sound familiar to you as well, “Hey, there is nothing to do here at CEU.” Well, the great thing is we are human beings my friends. Interesting fact, most of the things that have been made to do are the products of human beings such as us. At times, though, an individual might be lacking in his or her ability to do something or make something to do. This is unfortunate but it happens to the best of us.

This archived article was written by: Mason Paur
I have been hearing a lot of this lately and it may sound familiar to you as well, “Hey, there is nothing to do here at CEU.” Well, the great thing is we are human beings my friends. Interesting fact, most of the things that have been made to do are the products of human beings such as us. At times, though, an individual might be lacking in his or her ability to do something or make something to do. This is unfortunate but it happens to the best of us.
Now let’s be optimistic, we have the opportunity to be a part of this microcosmic community that is CEU. One thing you might consider doing is getting involved in one of the many clubs or organizations offered here. I doubt there is a single student organization at CEU that wouldn’t welcome your participation with open arms. Who knows, maybe you could leave in two years not only with your degree, but an education in personal involvement in your community that could aide your future.
I would encourage you to attend as many school sponsored events as possible. Support our athletes; find a ride to the baseball game this weekend. Ask one of our volleyball ladies how they did in Idaho next time you see them. Bring a date to the plays put on by our drama department. Come to at least one improv show, it’s guaranteed to be a good time. Try to come to intramural activities every Wednesday, prepare to be schooled. If you are curious to see what student government is doing for you, grab a member and ask when the next advisory meeting is, its pretty interesting stuff. Are you just dying to serve your community but don’t know where to start? I hear there will be some service minded people just like you at the park this Saturday. I could go on all day.
Have you seen how your fellow students are living? I would encourage you to visit each of the four dormitories at least once this semester, maybe make some friends. Do you live in a non cooking dorm? Find someone with a cooking dorm, this is essential.
Now another popular sentiment I have heard expressed often is, “The weekends here are just unbearable. I think I will go home every single Friday for the rest of the year.” You stop that. I have it from a reliable source that there are approximately 375 students living on our lovely little campus. Now lets say that half of these students leave for the weekend, this would still leave somewhere around 162.5 students on campus. Now are you going to tell me that 162.5 human beings perfectly capable of coming up with something to do cannot do so? It’s as simple as dusting off that frisbee in your closet and grabbing some friends for a game of ultimate frisbee.
Have you considered picking up a new hobby or two? I have a friend who has recently picked up writing poetry and then reading it in front of passerbys; he seems to be having the time of his life. A good hobby is probably one of the most consistent and productive ways of having something to do. Can you play the guitar? Why not learn? Do you want to ride bikes? Pick up bike riding.
Throughout my years here I have seen some fine people come and go. I have known some people who loved the experience they had here and some who did not so much. The only notable difference between these people was that the people who did not have such a great time chose mostly to stay in their dorms waiting for the year to go away. The people who loved being at CEU were those who chose to get involved with the day to day activities of this school and to do something when there was nothing to do.