If you’re not the outdoor type, maybe you should be
Low cost, medium impact and high intensity. Bouldering is the cheapest version of climbing around, requiring little to no gear at all. Without ropes or a harness and only a foam pad between you and the ground, it is the closest thing to free climbing that most people care to experience.
It is also gaining popularity on the College of Eastern Utah campus, adding to a myriad of other outdoor activities for students.

This archived article was written by: Zak Konakis
Low cost, medium impact and high intensity. Bouldering is the cheapest version of climbing around, requiring little to no gear at all. Without ropes or a harness and only a foam pad between you and the ground, it is the closest thing to free climbing that most people care to experience.
It is also gaining popularity on the College of Eastern Utah campus, adding to a myriad of other outdoor activities for students.
There is something about the boulders in Utah that draws attention to Joe’s Valley, Drawing in professional climbers to a region unnoticed even by the locals. Boulders in Utah stand up to 30 feet of sandstone rock, making for ideal climbing routes. Developed within the last 10 years, Triassic is about a 30- minute drive from the campus, sitting by the Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry and is lovingly referred to as the “land of a thousand boulders,” meaning infinite possibilities for climbs.
If you’re not the outdoor type just look outside, the mountains that surround Price are not found everywhere and the cliffs staring in the window are not as nice anywhere else. The air is clean here, which is being taken for granted far too often. If you’re still not convinced that Price is a place of hidden beauty, then consider that the sun shines three hundred days out of the year here, unobscured by clouds.
There is nothing to do around Price if you are not trying to find anything. Every Wednesday night the old ballroom is open with the intention of teaching students to climb and go about it safely, equipping students with the knowledge to go out on their own, and facilitating opportunities to climb.
Maybe you should become the outdoors type for the sake of the startling obesity numbers in the United States. Maybe people should see what the world has to offer rather aside from a plasma-screen that sits in the central locale in home. The outdoors may hurt from time to time, but sitting around doing nothing will kill.
Heart disease still leads as the number-one cause of death for Americans. This was not the intended American dream. This new phenomena of consumerism and letting big brother take care of your needs was never apart of the American Vision. Plastic Barbie moms and their carbon copy children going to debutante training camps in malls in order to buy their “Hannah Montana” hair extensions is a far cry from independence.
Carbon Recreation is holding a rock climbing class and open wall climb on Wednesday nights at the college’s indoor rock wall if you don’t classify yourself as an outdoors type.