March 9, 2025

Some teachers need to step up

There is a problem at the College of Eastern Utah that unfortunately can be common at a lot of colleges. It is teachers who are not good at their job or do not have the qualifications to teach the subject they are undertaking.
Everyone has been in a class where the teacher did not cover the subject in a way that could be understood. It is as though the teacher knows what they are talking about, and they do not really care if you understand the subject or not.

This archived article was written by: Stuart Lake

There is a problem at the College of Eastern Utah that unfortunately can be common at a lot of colleges. It is teachers who are not good at their job or do not have the qualifications to teach the subject they are undertaking.
Everyone has been in a class where the teacher did not cover the subject in a way that could be understood. It is as though the teacher knows what they are talking about, and they do not really care if you understand the subject or not.
Or you go to class and the teacher does not really prepare a lecture to teach you anything. They just kind of stand up there and talk, dismiss class early and you never learn anything on the subject.
These teachers have another annoying quality. To make up for the fact that they do not lecture, they just give you a lot of busy work to pass the time.
Sometimes, when you take the time to complete homework, they don’t even look at what you did, just the fact that you did it. It is annoying and if you are made to do the work by the teacher, then the teacher should at least correct the work they gave you.
The best part about busy work is that in most classes you can bull crap your way through it and never need to think or learn anything. This is in addition to teachers canceling a majority of classes, or letting them out early because they did not prepare a lesson.
There is also the problem of teachers who do not know the subject they are teaching. This is less common in traditional subjects such as mathematics and English, but is prominent with computer courses.
Many students have felt a lot of frustration when working on projects in these classes and the teacher is not able to help them solve the problems, because the teacher does not know the subject they are teaching.
What is worse is the teachers will grade the student the same even though the teacher was not able to help the student solve the problem. Students are better off reading the book they bought and learning the subject on their own.
Chances are that coming into the class, students already know more than the teacher.
It is not too much for the students to ask to have teachers that know the subjects they are teaching and teach students the subject that they signed up for. Teachers need to step up and do the jobs that they are being paid to do.
A majority of students have come to get an education and to work hard. Most need to learn their subjects so they can get a job in the real world and apply the skills they gain in college.
Teachers that do not give them the education they are paying for cheat students and if they don’t gain it now, when will they?
Some teachers need to look at what they are doing, stop being lazy, and teach their subjects.