February 10, 2025

What is Kerry talking about?

Welcome back to the Conservative Corner and I am the radical right-winger sent to disturb the left. First, I have to ask you one question, what is John Kerry talking about?
Sure we’ve heard the term flip flop and we’ve heard this almost to the point to where it is getting old and annoying. But the sad thing is, that is pretty much the best way to describe this guy.
I mean honestly, “I voted for it before I voted against it.” I guess that even though I am an ex-brain washed liberal “communist” and having know come to the truth, I still can’t figure this guy out.

This archived article was written by: LaWayne Snow

Welcome back to the Conservative Corner and I am the radical right-winger sent to disturb the left. First, I have to ask you one question, what is John Kerry talking about?
Sure we’ve heard the term flip flop and we’ve heard this almost to the point to where it is getting old and annoying. But the sad thing is, that is pretty much the best way to describe this guy.
I mean honestly, “I voted for it before I voted against it.” I guess that even though I am an ex-brain washed liberal “communist” and having know come to the truth, I still can’t figure this guy out.
During the debates you heard Sen. Kerry talk about how we are in the wrong war at the wrong time; we shouldn’t even be there. I’m confused. If that is so, then why did he say a few weeks before that even if he knew now what he knew then, he would have still gone into Iraq.
But he said he would have done it differently. “I would have included our allies,” he said, but didn’t everyone notice that President Bush spent months exhausting the diplomatic avenue.
France, Germany and Russia are the world of allies he is talking about, excluding the some odd 30 nations that are there with us. He says it is mostly American soldiers being killed and that it’s America spending most of the money on this war.
How could he possibly sell this to the French, German and the Russian nations, “We need your help. America is losing too many people and spending too much money on this war. We need your aid”.
The French and Germans will not be helpful when someone asks them to send their people and their money to this war.
Especially when he just got done saying “wrong war wrong time,” he must be nuts. Have you ever heard of the oil for food problem, probably not because the liberal media has done all they can to keep it on the down low?
The French and the Germans have been corrupted by the foul play of this program and Saddam himself.
Why do you think they’ve fought so hard to keep Saddam in power? They will not send their people to die for something they helped to create especially that the world knows and they are no longer in the pretty seat that Saddam built.
How about when Kerry said to the public that Bush hasn’t sent enough troops to Iraq and that they don’t have the equipment or the funds to be very effective.
People who was amongst the senators that voted down the bill that gave the military an extra $87 billion to supply troops and ad to their forces in Iraq?
If you guessed Sen. Kerry as one of them then you would be dead right.
To this I say forward and onward to a better nation.