February 11, 2025

Relatively politically correct

For a passionate person I am caring less. I guess that is what election days will do to you, but my rancor and support for a person has yet to cultivate the change I have been looking for. In spite of who won and who lost, I promise that I still do not really care; Ron Paul wasn’t in the elections. The country will still stand as it did yesterday and will probably remain the same tomorrow until we, as a nation, begin moving forward fixing the problems we have created. This will take some time, but to shake things up until then, I still think the U.S. Federal Reserve should be done away with.


This archived article was written by: Zak Konakis

For a passionate person I am caring less. I guess that is what election days will do to you, but my rancor and support for a person has yet to cultivate the change I have been looking for. In spite of who won and who lost, I promise that I still do not really care; Ron Paul wasn’t in the elections. The country will still stand as it did yesterday and will probably remain the same tomorrow until we, as a nation, begin moving forward fixing the problems we have created. This will take some time, but to shake things up until then, I still think the U.S. Federal Reserve should be done away with.
What I do care about is the racism that is being spewed, on both sides. I am going to clear the air right now; Barrack Hussein Obama is African American. His father is Kenyan and his mother is from Kansas. He’s not a terrorist, though he did spend three years in an Indonesian Muslim school as quoted by Fox News. Indonesia is a Muslim country, so that’s like saying all schools in America are Christian institutions. His ties with Black Liberation Theology have been severed with the frustration he’s shown at his pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Obama is cousin to the Kenyan leader that is tearing the rural part of Africa apart, but this does not affect his personal leadership ability. He is not going to do a good job because he’s African American no more than he’s going to do a bad job because he is. But he’s going to do a good or bad job based on his honesty with the people and his keeping of promises he’s made.
I will not be quietly taken away in the night for writing this article. Black bagged and beaten, I will not be thrown into Guantanamo Bay for being a suspected terrorist because I think that the government isn’t going to solve the problems facing this country over night. Or for believing greed is to blame for this slump and it’s going to move in a cycle, just like the rest of human history, and the new President-elect is just a mile marker on the road to the end or improvement.
Now the confusion is cleared, we can begin diagnosing the problems with supposed facts. I am not a racist because I think Obama is not going to be a great president. I don’t doubt he’ll be a step up in leadership from the last few years in this country, but that’s not really claiming a feat. He’s a lot like Jackie Robinson to me right now; he’s made a tremendous stride, but he is not the champion everyone expects him to be. He opened the door for future generations of African Americans to be terrible presidents if they wish. I am not saying this is his aim, but I am saying that it’s going to be a much bigger deal for him and he is setting the bar. Whether the bar is high or low, he made it to the White House first.
Obama will also have to make good on his promises of open door foreign diplomacy, though the danger of that is you’ll never really know who is walking in and when they’re going to leave. There is an inherent danger that comes with saying your diplomacy is in the open. People may take you seriously and start telling you what they don’t like about your country and what you had better change. Your diplomacy has now become a matter of bending what makes your country great to suit the visions of foreign leaders. It’s swinging from one extreme to another by saying that we don’t negotiate with terrorists, talk to terrorists or put them on our holiday mailing list. Now we’re saying we’ll talk, listen and offer hot stone massages with stays over. This isn’t necessarily a bad practice, and maybe we’ll leave the image of America being the cocky awkward teenager that doesn’t quite understand its own strength. Or, as the enthusiastic newly wed couple that’s come to bring cookies to the doorstep of other nations and invite them over for bowling nights.