July 26, 2024

Welcome from USU/CEU 2010-2011 student body president

Hello fellow students. I am excited that the 2010 – 2011 school year is already off to a fantastic start. Eastern Utah Student Association, EUSA, has already entertained us with some outstanding events and activities. We have had a night full of games, glow sticks and laughter, a pool party that waved all through Price, a Day in the Park eating (or throwing) pies, a hypnotist that helped us all relax, an amazing Club Rush that really did flood the campus with club involvement and motivation, and there are going to be so many more extremely entertaining activities throughout the year.

This archived article was written by: Rachel Ryan

Hello fellow students. I am excited that the 2010 – 2011 school year is already off to a fantastic start. Eastern Utah Student Association, EUSA, has already entertained us with some outstanding events and activities. We have had a night full of games, glow sticks and laughter, a pool party that waved all through Price, a Day in the Park eating (or throwing) pies, a hypnotist that helped us all relax, an amazing Club Rush that really did flood the campus with club involvement and motivation, and there are going to be so many more extremely entertaining activities throughout the year.
Just a few to come are the all-famous Light Bright Dance, October 2; Non-Traditional Week, October 18 -22, which will feature a pot-luck dinner; family friendly activities, and a service project, headed up by Meg Goodstein, non-traditional student representative. Multi-Cultural Week, October 4 – 8, will feature a Native American Dance performance from the San Juan campus, watching cultural videos, also a delicious food tasting table, headed by Scott Zaborski, multi-cultural representative. The Stop Light Dance featuring a True Eagle event at midnight on the full moon will be September 23, and many, many others. I hope everyone is excited and will try to attend these and all the other activities, with their student activity cards.
Remember to continually check the web calendar at www.ceu.edu for updates and all events going on across campus.
I am also excited about this year being a transition year for the college. We recently were joined with Utah State University, and are now USU-CEU and will be able to offer a wider range of bachelor degrees, master degrees and doctoral degrees as well. This is going to be a great opportunity for students, faculty and staff on our Price campus, as well as in San Juan and Logan.
We are now going to be a part of something larger than we imagined and will be looking forward with one unified voice, vision and purpose, that being to give the best to students at USU-CEU, the San Juan students and everyone in their higher education pursuits. The college has always had a strong connection to their students, and now to have more to offer will only increase that bond, and connection. I am excited to be a part of such an amazing opportunity and experience.
There is a lot going on this year, and I know we are all very busy, and possibly even feeling overwhelmed with classes, work, trying to get everything done, and attempting along the way to still enjoy the college experience and have a life outside the classroom. I would encourage you all to take time to study and relax, and take time to play as well.
Come into the student government office anytime we’re open and lounge around on the love sacks, couch, or even just the floor. Take the opportunity to get involved, be a part of a great institution, and make a lot of great friends. Move forward, and grow. Look forward to what the future of this institution is going to be able to offer you, and what you will be able to give back to it as well. There is so much at Utah State University-College of Eastern Utah that will excite you if you let it. Even though it is a mouth full to say.
I am more than thrilled to be your representative for this year and am looking forward to being a part of your college experience. Please feel free to talk to me at any time, for any reason. I am always open for communication, and if you cannot find me, e-mail me. My e-mail is [email protected].
I again am so excited, and honored to be your student body president and will do everything I can to make your experience at USU-CEU as wonderful as can be.
Thank you all so much for allowing me this opportunity. Thanks up front for making the first weeks of college so successful and thank you in advance for the amazing attendance and involvement with our EUSA activities, and events. Let’s have a great year, and look forward to the future.