October 17, 2024

Rules and regulations

How much would you say you know about the rules and regulations of our campus? Whether you are a nonresident or resident on campus, it is your responsibility to know, understand and abide by all campus policies, acknowledged director of public security, James Prettyman.

This archived article was written by: Kristen Zarucchi-Mize

How much would you say you know about the rules and regulations of our campus? Whether you are a nonresident or resident on campus, it is your responsibility to know, understand and abide by all campus policies, acknowledged director of public security, James Prettyman.
A “Zero Tolerance” policy is one of the crucial policies to know. This policy is in regards to matters dealing with drinking, drugs and stealing incidents on campus. Most incidents committed on campus are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Prettyman said there are three ways that an incident could be dealt with. Criminal, judicial, or residential punishments or actions will be taken.
Did you know that regardless of an individual’s age, the USU-CEU Student Conduct Code and the USU-CEU Student Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Policy prohibits students from possessing, consuming, manufacturing, transporting, promoting or distributing (by either sale or given as a gift) alcohol products, illegal drugs or otherwise legal but improperly used substances, including prescription or over-the-counter drugs not being used for their intended or authorized purposed on campus.
A person’s body is considered a container for alcohol, drugs and other controlled substances. This means that anyone determined to be under the influence of these substances or determined to have improperly used a legal substance, even if consumption occurred off of the campus, is in violation of the above policies.
Also, tobacco products, both smoking and smokeless, are prohibited within the residence halls. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of all the residence halls, due to the Utah Clean Indoor Act. The Utah Code states that it is illegal for anyone under 19 years old to posses any tobacco product as well as it is illegal to provide anyone under 19 years old with any tobacco product.
It is fair to say that the USU-CEU campus is a reasonably safe one. It is a nice feeling to know that campus police are patrolling daily to insure the safety of students. Being on a small campus means that students are far less able to get away with committing crimes. If a student sees a crime being committed, they are expected to report it.
The USU-CEU Silent Witness Program allows members of the USU-CEU community to anonymously report acts of vandalism, theft, or other illegal activities on campus. Reports cannot be traced back to the caller. This program is intended to keep our campus a safe and happy one.
Our on campus officer James Prettyman said, “We hope to educate students. Myself as well as the other officers are a good team. We want students to be able to come to us and we want to help them out. It is important to think about what you are doing before you take action on campus. If you keep yourself safe, it will keep our campus safe.”
When it comes down to it, you have to ask yourself these questions: Are you putting yourself or others at risk? You have to always be aware of the consequences that will come from your actions. Ignorance of the rules is not an option.
More information about the student code of conduct is available online at www.ceu.edu/deanofstudents, as well as information found in the Guide To Residential Life handbook that is available from Sharon Jones, the administrative assistant of residential life.