October 18, 2024

Do service as a part of your life; wherever you go, serve others

Growing up as a member of the Boy Scouts, service has always been a part of Todd LeMmon’s life. That early start in service helped set a precedent for how he would live his life, and how he would spend time helping others.
“I was always organizing some kind of project,” states LeMmon, vice-president of the SUN Center. “Whether it was organized with the troop, or whether I just grabbed a snow shovel and cleared people’s sidewalks, there was always something that I was doing.”


This archived article was written by: Austin Ashcraft

Growing up as a member of the Boy Scouts, service has always been a part of Todd LeMmon’s life. That early start in service helped set a precedent for how he would live his life, and how he would spend time helping others.
“I was always organizing some kind of project,” states LeMmon, vice-president of the SUN Center. “Whether it was organized with the troop, or whether I just grabbed a snow shovel and cleared people’s sidewalks, there was always something that I was doing.”
LeMmon puts all his effort in his community service. “My mom always told me to make sure I did a good job at whatever I did,” he stated. “I took that to mean service as well. I always try to make sure that I do my best at whatever project I have going on. I always feel better about myself afterwards.
“I would rather take the time to do something meaningful for someone else than to just waste time on myself. I think everybody is happier that way.”
This year, LeMmon has orchestrated several service projects. One of them was helping revamp the playground at Price Head Start.
Volunteers helped take the playground out, remove the sand, build a retaining wall, replace the sand with bark chips, and put the playground back. “It was quite the project,” shares LeMmon, “There were a lot of volunteers that helped. The people at Head Start were so grateful.
Each volunteer that comes to help gives them more funding from the government. So we were not only able to help them rebuild their playground, but they receive additional funds as well.”
LeMmon added, “I just love to help. That’s just who I am.”