March 6, 2025

Editor’s response

I appreciate the article by James Justice, submitted to The Eagle for the Jan. 20 edition. I do not, however, agree with what was said. I am a feminist so, by nature, I didn’t approve of most the opinions stated. They are, however, an individual’s opinion and he is entitled to them.
I understand where he’s coming from and get his side of the story, but in all honesty, it sounded like instead of letting men know right off the bat that we aren’t interested, women should lead men on. Now, would that really be a better alternative?

I appreciate the article by James Justice, submitted to The Eagle for the Jan. 20 edition. I do not, however, agree with what was said. I am a feminist so, by nature, I didn’t approve of most the opinions stated. They are, however, an individual’s opinion and he is entitled to them.
I understand where he’s coming from and get his side of the story, but in all honesty, it sounded like instead of letting men know right off the bat that we aren’t interested, women should lead men on. Now, would that really be a better alternative?
It was said to never say no unless the guy is married or a stalker, but when a girl says “yes” to a boy she isn’t interested in, she is just leading him on. Not only that, but dating guys that creep you out is just asking to be stalked.
The last exception, “If he’s more than 10 years older or has a felony,” seems like it should be a case-by-case judgment. I have a close friend whom is dating a man twice her age, yet she is in love with him and they are happy. This, to me, seems like the old argument that asks: Does age matter?
The felony part is temper mental because, as I said before, it’s a case-by-case scenario. Because, there’s no possible way that someone who has a record can change (the sarcasm was intended).
I understand that rejection can suck. No one looks forward to it or even enjoys it. But, think about it. Would men rather women be honest, or have them be liars and then throw that in our faces next? As much as I, as a woman, enjoy being chided on how I should act, as a woman, by a man, whom has never been a woman, I think I’ll pass (again, sarcasm intended).
It was said the mindset of being exclusive is frowned upon and we get to be exclusive when we’re married. Well, if a couple doesn’t commit to being exclusive before marriage, how will they know they can trust each other to be faithful after marriage?
And, continuing on that topic, I would like to point out that, when men aren’t exclusive, it is socially acceptable and they get high-fives from all their buddies. Yet, on the other hand, when women aren’t exclusive, they are called sluts and then have men mad at them for not wanting to be exclusive.
Yes, it’s hard to please everyone but balance is a key element in any sort of a relationship; whether it be a friendship or a partnership, what’s expected from one side should be expected for the other side as well.
What I’ve said about men is definitely stereotypical, but that is how women were talked about previously so I feel it is fair game.
Thank you.
Mae Goss
editor in chief