March 6, 2025

Five vie for three student government leadership positions

Elections for the 2011-12 student government at USU-Eastern will pit three students for one position. The president and VP of activities are uncontested. President
Thomas Garvin is 23, born and raised in Price and been closely associated with USU-CEU from the time that he was a boy. “I went to Carbon High School and involved in basketball, soccer, cross country, D.E.C.A., vocal jazz and many other organizations.


This archived article was written by: Diana Phillips

Elections for the 2011-12 student government at USU-Eastern will pit three students for one position. The president and VP of activities are uncontested. President
Thomas Garvin is 23, born and raised in Price and been closely associated with USU-CEU from the time that he was a boy. “I went to Carbon High School and involved in basketball, soccer, cross country, D.E.C.A., vocal jazz and many other organizations.
“I served as president of two of those organizations. After high school, I came to CEU for two semesters and went on a two-year mission to Thailand where I ate really spicy food and spoke their native language.
“Upon returning, I came to CEU and was appointed intramural and recreation representative for EUSA student government and am serving my fourth semester in that position.
“During my experience at USU-CEU, I met my wife Cassidy and we married Nov. 19, in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. We had a baby we named Axel a little over three months ago.
“I am excited and looking forward to another year in student government and hope that by working together, we can make a difference at USU-CEU. My platform is ‘Let’s Make the Change & Lift Where You Stand,’” he said.
V.P of Activities
Webb P. Whatcott was born in Gunnison on Nov. 1, 1988, and grew up in Holden, Utah. He is the youngest of five children with two sisters and two brothers. He graduated from Millard High School as an honor student and a member of the National Honor Society. “During high school I participated in sports and student government as well as FFA.
Some of my accomplishments are being on three-state-championship wrestling teams and placing second at state in football. After high school, I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Northern Italy where I became fluent in Italian. I am a sophomore at USU-CEU and will graduate this semester with an associate’s degree in general studies. I am running for the vice president of activities position. I chose this slogan of ‘We Make It Happen’ because I know it is combined effort between students and their elected leaders to get those great ideas working. I enjoy the activities that already exist.. My intent is not to change entirely but to make improvements on top of what we have. I want to put Price USU-CEU on the map. I want music venues to come and concerts to happen. I want this place to be known for the great activities and have that be a selling point to future students as they search and apply for schools. I realize that this takes a group effort and believe that the students possess the ideas that we as student government i.e. V.P. of activities and committee can make it happen.

V.P of Academics
Anna MacDonald was born in Spokane, Wash., on July 4, 1991. I am the fourth child of six and I absolutely love my family. We moved to Sandy, Utah, when I was two months old and lived there until I was 8 and then moved to Springdale, Ark. To tell the truth, I really didn’t like Arkansas but it was a blessing. From third-fifth grade I had friends that would leave me every recess. They made me feel sad and unwanted and I dreaded going to school, but I see it as a blessing now. I can now do things by myself. I don’t have to have someone with me 24/7 and I’m more comfortable making new friends and putting myself out there. Seven years later, my family moved to Brooklyn Park, Minn., and had a better time there. I put myself out there having an open mind and willing to make new friends. Now I am in Price Utah, the best place in the world. I am running for vice president of academics. I want to grow and to stretch myself; to expose myself to great things. Now is my chance and I’m taking it. My platform statement is “Becoming a Team Accomplishes Great Things.”

Scotty Zaborski
Zaborski is running for because he feels he would be a great asset to the USU-CEU Student Government. This position is something he would like to fulfill so he can improve the school in the ways students feel is best. He thinks it’s time for people to finally accept the wonderful change that is inevitable to this school: the merger with USU. He is excited about this new road the school is taking and thrilled to be a part of it. Another big reason he feels like he would be a great leader in this position is the fact that there are so many wonderful services offered to students that are either unknown or ignored. Teaching students about these services and getting them interested is Scotty’s biggest goal. Preparing students for their future is another great service USU-CEU provides. Scotty knows that USU-CEU is only a stepping stone in student’s college careers and is excited to help them prepare the way for their academic future. My platform is “Relinquish the Past. Secure the Future. Seize the Day!”

Meg Goodstein
Goodstein is a third-year student at USU-CEU and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in math education with a minor in chemistry teaching. She is involved in EUSA as the non-traditional student representative. She has lived in the Carbon County area for seven years and developed many professional relationships throughout her time. Her main focus for the upcoming year is to bridge the gap between the college and the community. She believes that “the key to the success of a community college is the involvement of the community.” Next year, she would like to utilize the relationships she has within the community to enrich the educational experiences of the students. By partnering with local business leaders and those in the professional arena, she would like to see more community involvement on campus and more campus involvement in the community. This would include, but is not limited to, workshops with those in specific fields to learn job specifications and requirements, student internships and student jobs in professional fields, and increased business relationships with businesses in the community.

Voting starts Feb. 22 at noon and continues until Feb 24 at 5 p.m. You will need is your C number to vote plus it’s online. Plan to attend the election debate in the multipurpose room in Jennifer Leavitt Student Center at 6 p.m. and ask questions to see a change you want to see in next year’s EUSA Student Government. An Election Stomp to announce the newly elected student government representative is Thursday, Feb 24 in the MPR where they will announce the president, V.P of activities and V.P of academics at 8 p.m.