March 6, 2025

Student government’s legacy is to raise money

An endowment fund for scholarships is the legacy that this year’s student government members want to leave behind. It is at the top of the student government agenda for the remainder of this academic year.
After many months of meetings, student government has the nod to start accruing funds into the coffers for the endowment.
The fund will be used as a scholarship for students. The criteria to use in awarding this fund have not been set yet. Student government members hope to meet with students to determine how the money should be used.

This archived article was written by: Benoni Sowah

An endowment fund for scholarships is the legacy that this year’s student government members want to leave behind. It is at the top of the student government agenda for the remainder of this academic year.
After many months of meetings, student government has the nod to start accruing funds into the coffers for the endowment.
The fund will be used as a scholarship for students. The criteria to use in awarding this fund have not been set yet. Student government members hope to meet with students to determine how the money should be used.
April 14 has been set aside as a day to raise funds within the school. At 10 a.m., student leaders will go to classrooms and other campus buildings with buckets or cups to take change or donations from students. They hope to raise as much money as students are willing to donate. This is a pilot project. After testing its success on campus, it would be extended to businesses and the community.
Wilford Woodruff, vice president of activities, said, “It’s about time we got something ready and this is a huge step toward that.”
Woodruff is excited about this initiative and hopes that other students will be excited about it too. He said although this fund may not affect us directly, it is time we gave back to the school and future generations.
If this endowment fund is raised, it will add to the scholarships USU-Eastern offers students. It is expected that students will be enthusiastic about this initiative and donate toward it.
Although April 14 is the official day to raise funds, donations from students will be accepted after that day.
Rachel Ryan, student body president, hopes to get students involved in raising money for the endowment fund. She said it has been difficult doing it, but hopes that this will be the time to make it happen.
She expects a noisy and excited campus with students stampeding to collect or drop their change in the buckets. Ryan hopes this scholarship goes toward student leaders, but is open to what the student body and the committee that meets to discuss its usage comes up with.
Ryan’s message to students is, “Bring your change that day and send the message out to other students. Donate towards the fund. It could help your children someday.”
Student government hopes that students will show their love and support toward the USU-Eastern by giving.