February 26, 2025

Cameras installed throughout campus

Tadd Mecham
staff writer
[email protected]
If you have sat down around campus recently and looked up at the ceiling, saw a camera and found yourself wondering “was that always there?” the answer is no. It has not always been there and you are not going crazy.
Campus security is beefing up and a number of cameras are being installed throughout campus in an effort to increase campus security.

This archived article was written by: Tadd Mecham

Tadd Mecham
staff writer
[email protected]
If you have sat down around campus recently and looked up at the ceiling, saw a camera and found yourself wondering “was that always there?” the answer is no. It has not always been there and you are not going crazy.
Campus security is beefing up and a number of cameras are being installed throughout campus in an effort to increase campus security.
According to Sheila Burghardt, director of campus facilities, there are approximately 40 cameras being installed inside and outside of campus buildings. The cameras will be positioned to cover all exterior campus doors. They will also be positioned in certain places in the bookstore, in accordance to Utah State University policy.
This project’s budget is $150,000. However, it is a capital improvement project, which means it has been funded and managed by the Department of Facilities Construction and Management and the money will not be taken out of the facilities operating budget.
This project was designed by Spectrum Engineers, the same company that provided services to places such as the South Jordan Library and the Westminster Meldrum Science Center.
The cameras are being installed by Utah Yamas Controls, a company that’s business revolves around air conditioning and security.
The footage streamed on the cameras will be recorded to DVR’s, or digital video recorders, and observed by campus police, facilities, and IT in specific areas.
Although the thought of being watched on campus through a number of camera lenses can be somewhat intimidating to some students, in the end it just has to be realized that it is only being put towards an effort to making our campus a safer, more secure, place to attend.