January 23, 2025

New signs on campus

For those attending USU-Eastern for a second or third semester, there is something different about campus. Those students who have been here for a while may notice such changes. Of course there are the banners on the lamp posts telling us to “experience the change.” There are also the new water fountains which have a stand to fill up water bottles, informing the user of how many plastic water bottles have been saved from going to the trash.


This archived article was written by: Tadd Mecham

For those attending USU-Eastern for a second or third semester, there is something different about campus. Those students who have been here for a while may notice such changes. Of course there are the banners on the lamp posts telling us to “experience the change.” There are also the new water fountains which have a stand to fill up water bottles, informing the user of how many plastic water bottles have been saved from going to the trash.
One of the most obvious changes that has come with the merger is the new signage on all of the buildings throughout campus. In front of each building, now stands a sign with the building’s name printed on it.
The campus has been in need of signs for the buildings for a long time, and it was Utah State University in Logan that had them installed, along with the lettering on the side of each building.
It used to be pretty difficult to navigate someone else around the campus, giving directions was difficult even though the campus is so small. Students often start out with a question to begin the process such as: do you know where the BDAC is? Ok, the career center is behind it to the left.
Now the problem with getting around campus has been eliminated. Those students who are new or just visiting can easily find their way around to get to classes or a dorm. Students can tell other students the name of a building and it can now be easily found thanks to the signs or the building’s lettering.
The new signs are going to make everything more convenient for everyone on campus. They not only help navigate, but add to the building’s appearance as well.