February 23, 2025

Trees removed along 300 North

The music building, student center and police station are all lacking a certain air of ambiance on the 300 North. The parking strip along that street also seems more naked than last year. There is only one obvious answer to this change. It must be the product of foul play.
The truth of the matter is much less sinister. The trees were being a nuisance to the Price City Power Service. Having been trimmed back twice, the trees were ordered trimmed or taken down.

This archived article was written by: Seth Richards

The music building, student center and police station are all lacking a certain air of ambiance on the 300 North. The parking strip along that street also seems more naked than last year. There is only one obvious answer to this change. It must be the product of foul play.
The truth of the matter is much less sinister. The trees were being a nuisance to the Price City Power Service. Having been trimmed back twice, the trees were ordered trimmed or taken down.
Being so close to the power lines, a person standing next to the trees would have been taking a considerable risk, according to Ken Harney, employee at the utility office who issued the order for removal.
Sheila Burghardt, director of facilities maintenance was able to get the cutting stayed until the school could purchase the smaller and slower growing topiaries that grace the parking strip now, next to the stumps of the attractive but dangerous trees that once cooled the music and purchasing and receiving buildings.
The administration was initially against the removal, but, “When it comes to utilities we don’t have much say in the matter,” said Burghardt, “Basically we don’t have a leg to stand on. It’s their power lines, their space, our trees were in their way.”
A contractor, hired by the utility service, came in and removed the trees to save the city further trouble
The school picked the newer trees from a Price City approved list. The grounds crew is also spraying the stumps to rot them away, rather than tear apart the parking strip and further remove the aesthetic quality of the college.