March 5, 2025

What The Eagle staff is thankful for this time of the year

KC Smurthwaite- I am grateful for my mom (The Shannon) and my dad (Papa Smurf). I am grateful for my sibling Emily,Kelli and Chris. I know I am not the coolest siblings, but am grateful for the lessons I learned from them growing up. I am so grateful for the great people I have associated with in my life. I want to give thanks to my USU Eastern family for giving me the opportunity to do things most kids my age dream of. Lastly, I am extremely grateful for Coach Scott Madsen, Athletic Director Dave Paur, and Doctor Alex Herzog. I wouldn’t be in the situation where I am today without them.I hope everybody takes a step back and realizes how truly lucky we all are. Happy Thanksgiving!
Valeria Moncada- I am thankful for my amazing momma, she is there for me no matter what happens in life. For my dad, for raising me and teaching me right from wrong, I am also thankful for him letting me bring home random pets I find. I am thankful for my parents bringing me to the United States, because who knows where I would be if I lived in Mexico…I am thankful for being able to have something to eat every day, for being able to get out of bed and not have to worry bout weather I was going to have hot water or not to shower.
I am thankful for my older sister, because she puts up with my breakdowns all of the time, she is my roll model. I am thankful for all of my friends especially Mayra Chavez, simply for being my other half. For music because I would be lost without it, I am thankful for my nana because she is the best grandmother I would probably ever have. I am thankful for my education and for USU Eastern because I am able to continue my education here. For my puppy because she is my true best friend and I can tell her anything without her judging me. I am thankful for my freedom, but above anything, I thank God for waking me up every morning and allowing me to continue with my life.
David Osborne Jr.- This year I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for my wonderful wife Shala Jo Osborne, she is amazing. I am thankful for sports, football, basketball, the play-offs of baseball (too long to fully invest in) and most importantly golf. Golf keeps my sanity for that alone I am thankful. I am thankful for my column “Next on the Tee” it gives me a chance to rant and rave about things I am passionate about. Without sports I would have to write politics or something and my column would be less boring and called, “Next at the Podium,” or something weird like that. Now as Thanksgiving comes may your turkeys be moist, mashed potatoes fluffy, gravy overflowing, naps on full stomachs wonderful and family football games enjoyable.
Jessa Love Adams- I’m really thankful for, number 1,