March 6, 2025

Never thought Price, Utah, America, would hold a place in my heart

Jessa Love Adams
photography editor
[email protected]
I can’t believe that I’m writing my farewell article. My two and a half years at CEU (USU Eastern… whatever) have flown by. I also can’t believe how much I’ve changed in only two and a half years, the people I have grown to love and the countless memories I have made.
I know that I’m going to miss this place. I never once thought that Price, Utah, America, would ever hold a place in my heart. I’m also excited to turn the page and start a new chapter in my book called Life.

This archived article was written by: photography editor [email protected]

Jessa Love Adams
photography editor
[email protected]
I can’t believe that I’m writing my farewell article. My two and a half years at CEU (USU Eastern… whatever) have flown by. I also can’t believe how much I’ve changed in only two and a half years, the people I have grown to love and the countless memories I have made.
I know that I’m going to miss this place. I never once thought that Price, Utah, America, would ever hold a place in my heart. I’m also excited to turn the page and start a new chapter in my book called Life.
I will forever love my experience working as a staff member to The Eagle. I have learned so much and can honestly say, I’ve never laughed harder than I have anywhere else. I have such pride and dedication towards The Eagle. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I know I’m going to miss the long hours, lack of sleep, the swearing, yelling, crying, unhealthy food and last minute photos.
Because of The Eagle, I have had the opportunity to meet EVERYONE. I’ve grown close to the theatre department, the basketball and baseball teams, the dance department, and I want to thank them for their patience (Corey Ewan) and cooperation with all the practices I have interrupted.
These two and a half years have been a blast, and I know I will never forget them. I’ve improved as a photographer, student and person. I’ve danced my a** off, watched disturbing movies, wrote an awful musical. I’ve had awesome nights and bad mornings. I watched a lot of trashy T.V, eaten frozen éclairs, had one awful but hilarious road trip to Idaho, I’ve wasted a lot of gas and kissed a few people. I’ve killed bamboo plants, blasted Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift. I’ve watched Pirates of fair share of Cookie Zookies, chocolate-covered raisins and zebra cakes. I’ve sang Cher at the top of my lungs and got yelled at because it was production night and I’ve gone to the D.I. about a million times.
The people I want to thank most are Susan Polster, without her I don’t I would have had half the experience that I have had. Tadd Mecham, thank you for the dancing, math parties and allowing me to bring out my true inner queen. Daylan Jones, thank you for being my best friend, for the awesome naps, and late nights, for all the borrowed clothes and the journaling. A special thanks to Mark Jones. Valeria Moncada, thank you for being my other best friend and for being my partner in crime, for the awful nights at Anthony J’s, the warm bed and Mexican food. Scott Frederick, thank you for helping me improve my photography skills, for giving me the support I need, also for crap you gave me for being a slacker.
Diana Marie Phillips, thank you for being my first friend at CEU, for the fun you have brought to my life through your awkwardness, and being here for me through the hard times. Jan Thornton, thank you for always helping me deal with myself and my dramatic bull crap. Glenn Frederickson, thank you for always believing in me. And thank you for all of you who know you are a favorite. These people have blessed my life in so many ways, and I know we will forever remain close.
My hope is that I made one small dent at CEU. I love you.