February 10, 2025


Thumbs up

Thumbs up to how small USU Eastern is. Students and the faculty really get to know each other on a different level than at a larger school. It’s nice to know everyone on campus. When it comes to small class sizes, professors get to know each and every student on a personal level. With the classes being small, the professor can take more time to work with students personally. Having a small campus is another plus. Having all of the buildings pretty much on one block allows us to walk everywhere.

Thumbs up

Thumbs up

Thumbs up to how small USU Eastern is. Students and the faculty really get to know each other on a different level than at a larger school. It’s nice to know everyone on campus. When it comes to small class sizes, professors get to know each and every student on a personal level. With the classes being small, the professor can take more time to work with students personally. Having a small campus is another plus. Having all of the buildings pretty much on one block allows us to walk everywhere.

Thumbs up

Thumbs up to the teacher-student interaction at USU Eastern. It’s cool to go to class and have professors know our names. It’s not only that they know our names, but they know about each one of us, where we come from and what we do. They care about how things are going in life, and always ask how away games went and how things are going. It is also awesome that they are involved with the activities that are going on around campus and that they know the students outside of class. Seeing them supporting us not only in the classroom, but also on the court is awesome and shows what awesome professors we have at USU Eastern.

Thumbs down

Thumbs down to teachers taking attendance in class for a grade. We are college students paying for our own educations, it should be our choice whether to attend class or not. Part of being in college is growing up and being a responsible adult. If someone can pass all of their assignments without going to class, then someone shouldn’t have a grade deduction because they were not there, obviously they have studied and worked to know the material without being in class.