October 18, 2024

Welcome to USU Eastern

This archived article was written by: Luke Madsen

One thing that a college cannot survive without is an athletic program. This in a big way is what generates school spirit. As you all know from the meet the teams portion of your orientation we have four teams on campus, volleyball, basketball both men and women, and baseball. This year we are hoping to have a great and successful year for each of our teams. Why am telling you all this? Because our teams need you! Fans can make all the difference in a game. Take ownership, want to be to every game you can possibly be to and cheer like your team can’t win without you!
   Bottom line is, get out of your comfort zone! We don’t want to change your beliefs or anything personal to you, but we do want to make sure you are enjoying yourself. I was once told by a very wise man, that great opportunities begin where your comfort zone ends. What does that mean? It means that we need to try new things! We shouldn’t be afraid of talking to new people. We shouldn’t be afraid to try playing intramural sports if we have never played before. We shouldn’t be afraid of dancing at dances even if we are awful at it! What we should do is reach out and live life to the fullest. We do that by being anxiously engaged in worthwhile activities. 
Last week was a very exciting week for me as I was able to meet a lot of new faces on campus and also being reunited with a lot of friends from last year. We had a good turn out to almost every activity. The beginning of school is always exciting. I am anticipating this new year that we have to get to know each other more and more.