March 29, 2025

A season to give thanks

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To make this less sappy and straight to the point, I am thankful for food and the utilities I have to make such food taste wonderful. Oh and I guess I am thankful for Dr. Polster and the news staff because my Monday and Tuesday nights would be fairly boring.
-Kate Johnson

The opportunity to learn and be in Price. The opportunities to go places in life, and make an impact on others never run out. That’s what I’m grateful for.
-Chris Barney

Matter. Because without it, nothing would
-Boyd Lainhart

I am thankful for all the things.
-Nate Manley

I am thankful that I came to Price ‘Merica. The move from Provo to Price was not an adventure I embraced openly at first. But in this little town I met my husband, was taught by brilliant professors, made lifelong friendships and built a solid educational foundation for the rest of my life. I’m thankful for the experiences USU Eastern has given me.
-Emily Manley

I am thankful for Corey Ewan and the home the theater department at USU Eastern has provided me.
-Josie Slade

I’m thankful for many things. In a nutshell, I’m thankful for my family and friends, school, opportunities, memories, the little things, my amazing boyfriend Riley and our soldiers protecting and serving our country. I’m thankful for all I’ve been blessed with and I’m thankful for life. The list goes on.
-Shantel Hardy

Reflecting on this time of year, I think that giving thanks is the highest form of thought-to be part of a civilization that gives gratitude and appreciation for the good of all. Life is good…
-Susan Polster

I’m thankful for free food.
-Jonathan Fox

I’m grateful for chairs.
-Jordan Weihing

I’m thankful for red lanyards and Microsoft Word, cherry Coke and Richmond. I’m grateful for Tiffy, Nelenia, Kaytrina and Lii. I’m thankful for Jan. 19 and Nov. 23, little grey cells, a snitch, deerstalkers and bow ties. And, of course, last but not least, newspaper.
-Ashley Stilson

I am thankful for hot chocolate with marshmallows, warm blankets, and the show New Girl.
-Kate Tresner

I am thankful for my friends, family and my religion most of all. Without these three things, I don’t know where I would be today, or even who I would be. So thanks to all those who have made me who I am. You know who you are.
-April Miller